Sorry dinosaur, I think you are the one with the arrogant attitude here. GJE52 tried to expain quite clearly that people with the programming knowledge to make this happen, were not able to due to the way the game is programmed. You can discuss this til the cows come home but regardless, the modders here have given it a shot and are not going waste time pursing something with no returns.
I appreciate your point and yes a fresh set of eyes from someone of a different background can always be of assistance but unless that observer is also equipped with programming knowledge and understands the game engine, it isn't going to help progress this particular project much further.
As for releasing the model, it's his model and may chose what he does with it. I am with him, in that it should both look right and fly right before release. The mod should be a full package and I don't think we should be filling up slots with aircraft that don't fly or at least how they were intended to.
Anyway, feel free to discuss VTOL but please be aware that unless someone comes up with a huge re-write of the Il-2 flight model, don't expect VTOL any time soon. If this discussion turns to personal attacks again, expect this tread to disappear.