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Author Topic: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs  (Read 75891 times)

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Re: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs
« Reply #72 on: September 10, 2011, 12:57:57 PM »

OK, I reinstalled but with no result. The ability to show morse as text is from stock 4.101 and it's disabled by default. I had it disabled to, now I even added ShowMorseAsText=0 line to conf.ini but with no result. The bottom of log file looks almost exactly the same. Are you sure that this mod doesn't force-eneble this? Sorry for pissing you off but I need your help here, realy.

EDIT: Here's a list of mods I have in #DBW folder:
Code: [Select]
000_Little effects
000_ZZRealistic Jet Exhaust
00_3d Jet Exhaust Smoke for 4.10
Carrier Crew v5

None of effect mods contains classfiles. I checked and I couldn't find any conflicts with others.


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Re: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs
« Reply #73 on: September 11, 2011, 12:19:03 AM »

The AI mod doesn't force enable anything. All I am sure of, is that there is no mention of ShowMorseAsText in the classfiles for this mod. I presume it was a feature added to 4.101m whilst it is possible most of the mod classes were based on 4.10m. Regardless, the AI mod does NOT touch the SndAircraft classfile which controls the morse code to text function and hence it is not responsible for your issues. To test, I've added the ShowMorseAsText line to the games section of my conf.ini. Loaded game with AI Mod enabled. Ran a test with all different beacon types added. All worked perfectly fine and the Morse Text showed up as per stock game.

I suggest you remove every mod you have there and then add them back one by one until you get this crash.


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Re: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs
« Reply #74 on: September 11, 2011, 12:06:53 PM »

OK, I removed all mods and still crashing... Could you give me an exact name of that classfile?


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Re: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs
« Reply #75 on: September 11, 2011, 06:28:56 PM »

mati410, not much I can do my end. If you are running DBW1.6 installed over UP3RC4 with AI mod enabled AND nothing else, it should work. I'm not at my PC but I'll grab the name of the classfile later BUT I can tell you now, it has all the necessary entries to work with the morse code.


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Re: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs
« Reply #76 on: October 08, 2011, 04:29:54 AM »

Well I hope someone can help me. I'm running DBW 1.6 over UP 3.0 RC4. I recently loaded up Poltava's campaigns Storm Over England and Triumph in the West. When I play SOE, it uses Cannon's Channel Beta map and quite a few of the airfield textures are not showing up. Instead its a cross hatch of black outlined squares. I have no idea why the textures don't showup. Second, when playing the TITW campaign, Ash's Battle of France map doe not show. I checked the forum and evidently DBW 1.6 has a bug correction for the BOF map but I'm not sure what it is. I've checked the all.ini file and the entries for the BOF map are correct. I'm not sure why this is not showing either. Any suggestions?

Why do you post it here ? Nothing to do with the AI Mod I guess. Better post in tech help.


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Re: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs
« Reply #77 on: October 12, 2011, 05:43:54 AM »

Whether I know there I write =). So in advance I apologize. After I have put a patch 1.6 (though it was possible and earlier so didn't notice simply) at me planes under control of the computer, have ceased to dump torpedoes! = (they are more exact than them dump, but they don't work. Why so?


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Re: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs
« Reply #78 on: December 11, 2011, 06:43:54 PM »


Just writing to raise the issue of ground/anti-shipping attack AI.  Used "Coastal Command" and "Tse-Tse" Mossies (standard DBW 1.6) to attack shipping off Norway.  While they dropped their bombs OK initially, half of the flight crashed into the ships they're attacking when strafing with guns or attacking with rockets.

While the planes attacked in a relatively shallow dive, they just didn't pull up soon enough to clear the superstructure of the ships - this is worse for ships with tall masts.  so they either crashed into their target or have one of their wings clipped by the masts.

Hope this is addressed at some point in the AI update.

Again thanks for the great work on DBW.



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Re: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs
« Reply #79 on: February 03, 2012, 03:43:03 AM »

Flying with a 4 ship formation of the new F-86D Sabre Dogs in DBW1.7 on a strike mission, although the AI controlled a/c report 'Firing Rockets', they don't lower the rocket trays and fire the rockets.....

Cheers - Redfox


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Re: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs
« Reply #80 on: February 26, 2012, 09:46:46 PM »

I've a question or two and a report for the folks in the know.

Running a correctly patched 4.10.1 install, with UP3 RC4 installed on top of that, then the DBW 1.71 megapatch installed on top of that.  Game seems to be working just fine.

However, the AI behaves... quite oddly, as compared to the stock 4.10.1 and 4.11 versions of the game, or HSFX (don't play UP3 much so can't comment).  First, every.  Single.  AI fighter likes to Boom and Zoom me in 1v1 quick missions.  And I mean every single plane.  I could set myself up with an F6F-5 vs an A6Mx, and the zeke will try to energy fight me.  Same holds true with ANY other fighter I'll set myself up against in a 1v1.

Not only will the AI always, guaranteed try to energy fight me, but they'll SUCCEED.  Almost any given combination of my plane vs AI plane, they'll always, always be able to walk away from me.  I've done this numerous times, set up me vs ace AI each in identical Fw-190A8's.  I've no idea how, but the enemy fw can always walk away from me in the chase.  I've tried leaving the Kommandogerat on and letting the plane manage settings, no dice.  I've tried managing pitch myself, no dice.  I've tried aircraft from beginning of the war to end of the war, like an enemy BF109B vs me in a P-51 NA30.  Bf109 can still walk away from me.  Which leads me to the question; does the AI cheat?  I'm not a sloppy pilot at all, but I'm no ace either.

Last thing I've noticed is there does not appear to be any difference between the AI levels, they all act and fly the same.  Novice on up to Ace.  Is this a known issue?

Thanks guys.


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Re: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs
« Reply #81 on: February 28, 2012, 06:40:21 AM »

Noticed a little issue when skip bombing:


Please reply here not there.....


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Re: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs
« Reply #82 on: March 02, 2012, 01:33:11 AM »

Read here some interesting hints and discussion how to survive in a P-51 ..

Thanks for the link mate.  I did see that thread earlier and read it.  Turned out I was already doing most of what the suggestions entailed.  I'm not a bad pilot, but I'm no ace.   ;) 

I threw the P-51 out as just a random example.  You can substitute pretty much any aircraft in there and the AI seems to be able to squeeze some extra acceleration out of it that I can't.  Fw190a8 me vs Fw190a8 ace AI, the ace AI can always pull away from me no matter what.

For what it's worth, my two cents is I think the 4.11 AI is a bit more realistic.  It'll try to turn with me if it's in a plane more suited to that then energy fighting.  If I give the AI a more powerful but less maneuverable plane it'll try to energy fight me.  It'd be great if the AI mods for future 4.11 or up compatible DBW versions are made as optional, so we could stick with the base if so desired.


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Re: DBW AI Mod Discussion & Bugs
« Reply #83 on: March 02, 2012, 11:20:12 PM »

First of all, I realize that the DBW 1.71 AI Mod may be very much to the liking of some players. What I am going to say here is strictly about my own IL-2 gaming experience, although, I suspect others may feel the same. Before 1.71, the skill level of AI pilots was adjustable to a broad audience of players. Having installed DBW 1.71 and after flying a few missions, I've found that this is no longer true. Like myself, I believe that some players who previously enjoyed playing IL-2 will find playing DBW 1.71 nothing more than frustrating.

It is my hope that the DBW 1.71 AI Mod will soon be refined so as to restore playability to a wider field of players and that the routine collisions with the player's wingman will be coded out of the mod. I think the refined mod should be configured to keep the AI skill level as it currently is for those who wish to play at that level. However, I want to still be able to play the game in the range of AI skill as was available with DBW 1.6. And yeah, while others may disagree, I believe my request here is reasonable.


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