This is going to be my last comment on this, but.....
"Thunda, I don't think you understand how easy it could be to repair."
You said this- what is that supposed to mean then? My point is, the basic airframe will never fly again- unless some miracle has happened, it will be full of stress fractures from the impact- the end. Sure, some of the parts can be re-used- Ive never argued this. You cant compare Glacier Girl to this as that was buried in the ice for years after a relativley low speed wheels up landing, so no impact related stress fractures. The same with the salvaged Fw190 that was sitting in the sea- no impact to the airframe- no stress fractures- simple.
Im sorry if English isnt your first language, but this:
"Of course the airframe would have to be rebuild. Who would just straighten out a wrecked fuslage and never check for crash damage?!?!?!?!??!? What did you think I was talking about...?"
doesnt make sense- one minute its an easy repair, next you arent going to repair the fuselage. So which is it? Are you suggesting repairing the airframe or salvaging parts? My simple (and obvious) point: Salvage parts- yes, no problem. Attempt to rebuild the airframe- if not impossible, then extremely unlikely, and not commercially viable. Someone might get a new airframe, bolt some of the salvaged parts from the crash to it, and call it "Big Beautiful Bird" but it will not be the same aircraft. As Le0ne has already said, If you want a plane in airworthy status you can only use parts that can be accepted. The reason for the relative high number of airworthy p-51 is the availability to spare parts an all aluminium frame. As the aluminium airframe is the heart of the aircraft, and will not be in a recoverable state without replacing 99% of the material, then I do not accept that this aircraft can be 'easily repaired'.