You are missing the point, ribs. SAS is an apolitical forum where aviation and flight sim enthusiasts from all over the world come together to discuss their interests.
Stating 'facts' about individual deaths is one highly emotive subject for another forum. Claiming that the whole German army and airforce of WWII. Had no politics is another, and finishing it off with "I know it happened on both sides during the war, just more on the allied side at the end" is not only incorrect and offensive, but poitical. This thread started about whether members were going to see a film, digressed into the capabilities of the P51, and then suddenly we have a totally unrelated 'fact' about the death of a german airman,murdered at the hands of some evil allied gunners. Sorry, but that statement, whilst it may be a fact, is also political. I'm mearly asking to keep politics out of the discussion.