Out of interest how are people dealing with the problem of loading different air.ini's, static.ini's etc and making sure they have the correct mods enabled for them?
You associate a given profile with a given "configuration" folder, but it is up to YOU to get it right, ie to make sure every mod in the profile has the appropriate air.ini/technic.ru/static.ini etc.. lines in THAT configuration folder.
Also I very STRONGLY advise to
immediately put inside each configuration folder a different background.tga that will let you know which configuration folder is being loaded (or whether it is being loaded at all).
So in my case I have:
configuration_PTO (which I associate to the PROFILE PTO -all japanese mods, etc...)
configuration_POSTWAR (which I associate to the PROFILE JETS -all post war machines up to Vietnam war)
configuration_WWI (which I associate to the PROFILE WWI -DBW1916 plus any related addition)
configuration_Nightfigther (which I associate to the PROFILE NIGTH -all nightfigther mods, etc...)
and I did put a specific background.tga inside each of those configuration folders (here you'll find more than enough backgrounds ready to use
a F86 launching screen inside POSTWAR configuration folder,
dogfigthing biplanes for WWI,
a Stuka G1 (or an IL2) for EASTERNFRONT,
an Me-163 for ETO,
a Zero for PTO,
an Me262BNJ for Nightfigthing config
so that I have a precise way to know what configuration folder my game is loading along with a given profile.
Crucially, I leave the standard "DBW" background inside the BASE of the profile as contrast to control whether the separate configuration folder is loading or failing to load.
This way I have more information on what is going on (very handy when things are not going according to expectation -which is the rule rather than the exception