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Author Topic: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Build 120.15 - Aug 29th)  (Read 61659 times)

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Re: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Build 120.15 - Aug 29th)
« Reply #156 on: October 10, 2012, 01:51:58 PM »

thx for the update.  No worries as I can use JSGME for up3 if needed.  TotalModder comes into its element when loading modded DBW such as TFM.  I went from 2.5 hrs required to load TFM with JSGME, to now a few seconds with TotalModder!  This was my selling point for TM!  Note, I did see where root level files such as sfs and core.dlls do not enable in TotalModder, and folks have got around that by pasting the sfs files directly into their il2 install, for example for UV3.  For v2, will root level updates be supported by TM?

Additionally, I was having issues with the new HD texture mod working with TotalModder due to the core.dlls that have to update at the root.  However, my workaround for that one was to enable the HD Textures mod in JSGME, and then load up TFM in TotalModder.  DBW with TFM activated via TotalModder with the HD Textures enabled via JSGME allows them to work with TFM loaded via TotalModder.  Thus, I am using a blending of JSGME and TM which works well for running TFM.

wow, all the acronyms...seems like I am at work?!   :)

All in all, great addition here to IL2, and the speed to activate a huge pack such as TFM is simply awesome as compared to the wait time of JSGME.



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Re: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Build 120.15 - Aug 29th)
« Reply #157 on: October 16, 2012, 12:50:42 PM »

Total Modder Clarification Question:
Sequence is of importance in TM.  However, I am not sure how the sequential firing of modded content works in TM.  For example, I have successfully deployed the "CLEAN JSGME MOD Packs" in TM.  Everything works as designed however one mod in the CLEAN JSGME Aircraft pack is the Landing Gear Damage Mod.  This mod, through directory naming, is set to fire first in the sequence using standard JSGME deployment strategy.  When I load the CLEAN Aircraft pack in JSGME, the Landing Gear Damage is the first directory in the #DBW folder in il2 root and planes correctly function as needed (plane of interest is A6M-21 Zero).  However, when I attempt the same deployment with TM, though all loads in correctly as far as new planes and content goes, when I load a mission with the zero, the plane is nose down and gear is sticking up though the wings. 

Thus, in JSGME deployment, Zero correctly renders on the runway.  Using TM, Zero is nose down with gear sticking though wings. 

Conclusion: is there is a sequencing difference between how JSGME (though use of directory naming) and TM loads mod content?  All in all, I would like to find out how, in TM, to ensure the landing gear damage mod is the first to load (similar to how use of directory naming ensures its at the top of the #DBW directory).




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Re: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Build 120.15 - Aug 29th)
« Reply #158 on: October 16, 2012, 09:13:05 PM »

                 TotalMODder follows the order you established, it is explained in the ReadMe and the original posts. JSGME loads the list alphabetically.

  It is easy, whatever is at the top on the right pane overwrites the MODs which are below of it. So if there is a "conflict", the one that wins is the topmost of the two MODs in conflict.

  So a typical conclusion could be this: if you are experiencing with TotalMODder a problem you dinĀ“t have with MODs loaded by alphabetical order, sort your MODs in TotalMODder alphabetically and you would be done.



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Re: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Build 120.15 - Aug 29th)
« Reply #159 on: October 17, 2012, 02:50:13 PM »

Benitomuso,  I've tried to PM you but your inbox is full.... :D


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Re: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Build 120.15 - Aug 29th)
« Reply #160 on: October 19, 2012, 08:42:55 PM »


Confirmed receipt. Please see email sent regarding download.



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Re: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Build 120.15 - Aug 29th)
« Reply #161 on: October 29, 2012, 07:12:48 AM »

I really like the idea of this tool however I can not get it to load dbw 1.71 TFM. I followed the directions in this thread and have read the readme.pdf. I put all my .sfs and .dll files in a folder loaded by jsgme. I then try to load TFM on top of a vanila DBW 1.71 that loads perfectly. I do this by loading monty packs 18...1 and then Trackir Class files, the wide screen mod, and finally the folder with a clean dbw install in it. The game loads fine and I get into the menus, but when I try to play a track or load a mission I get the

"Mission loading failed:Mesh 3do/humans/paratroopers/russian/mono.sim not created" error message. I have tried increasing my page file size and the suggested fix in the conf.ini for this message having to do with texture compression.

I have a i7 2600k and a gtx480 and can get TFM to load fine using jsgme. I even tried moving the working jsgme folder into my Total MODder dbw folder and still got the error. Can anyone help me? Thanks alot!


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Re: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Build 120.15 - Aug 29th)
« Reply #162 on: October 29, 2012, 12:36:31 PM »



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Re: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Build 120.15 - Aug 29th)
« Reply #163 on: October 29, 2012, 12:55:07 PM »

Plug_nickel, thank you very much, I should have mentioned I have already tried changing the values in my conf.ini, I even tried changing them under the directx settings too and nothing changes. TFM loads fine when loaded with jsgme, when I try with Total MODder it gives me the error when I try to load a map.


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Re: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Build 120.15 - Aug 29th)
« Reply #164 on: October 29, 2012, 03:46:02 PM »

ok so I added the packs 1 by 1 and the problem pops up at monty 10. Only with total modder though it works fine with jsgme. Any Ideas?

I took a screen shot of all my folders but I can't figure out how to attach it.


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Re: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Build 120.15 - Aug 29th)
« Reply #165 on: October 30, 2012, 12:04:19 PM »

                       the error you get is Error on loading the map from the all.ini?

  For testing I have a copy of the game in my notebook. An exact 1:1 copy of the game I run without any problem in my desktop.

  The one in the Notebook did exactly what I think is your problem. Whenever you wanted to launch a mission it started and when loading landscape, showed those kind of messages and stopped.

  I concluded that the problem was the CMR-Noise-2048. I disabled it and everything started to work perfectly. I don't understand the reason. I have the .dlls for 24 bit hi-res skins, the classes, but the ground noise MOD doesn't work.

  Try to disable it if it is your case. You should see some texture unable to be loaded in your log.lst



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Re: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Build 120.15 - Aug 29th)
« Reply #166 on: October 30, 2012, 04:54:57 PM »

   Thank you very much for all your hard work, and especially taking the time to help me! I am not at my pc right now but I will for sure check this out when I get home, as I am new to the modscene(i have been reading everything i can for like the last week, which for me translates into around 30 hours of reading...im still a noob. I will have to search for the files you speak of but I will be able to find it im sure. More importantly, I didn't know there was a log.lst! Thank you very much! I will report my findings.



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Re: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Build 120.15 - Aug 29th)
« Reply #167 on: October 31, 2012, 03:11:17 AM »


    Ok so I actually deleted my folder and reinstalled everything fresh, I then went through and redid a whole jsgme install to verify it would be clean again. After the jsgme install of the full monte, I reinstalled total modder and tried to see if I could get that to work. Within a minute of setting up my core files folder and launching total modder I had the full monte working from a total modder install.  :D

One thing I noticed right away is before it took total modder anywhere from 30-180 seconds to open, now it opens immedietaly. I guess there was some kind of core problem with what I thought was a clean install before. Thank you so much for your help and all of the great mods you put out!
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