Total Modder Clarification Question:
Sequence is of importance in TM. However, I am not sure how the sequential firing of modded content works in TM. For example, I have successfully deployed the "CLEAN JSGME MOD Packs" in TM. Everything works as designed however one mod in the CLEAN JSGME Aircraft pack is the Landing Gear Damage Mod. This mod, through directory naming, is set to fire first in the sequence using standard JSGME deployment strategy. When I load the CLEAN Aircraft pack in JSGME, the Landing Gear Damage is the first directory in the #DBW folder in il2 root and planes correctly function as needed (plane of interest is A6M-21 Zero). However, when I attempt the same deployment with TM, though all loads in correctly as far as new planes and content goes, when I load a mission with the zero, the plane is nose down and gear is sticking up though the wings.
Thus, in JSGME deployment, Zero correctly renders on the runway. Using TM, Zero is nose down with gear sticking though wings.
Conclusion: is there is a sequencing difference between how JSGME (though use of directory naming) and TM loads mod content? All in all, I would like to find out how, in TM, to ensure the landing gear damage mod is the first to load (similar to how use of directory naming ensures its at the top of the #DBW directory).