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Author Topic: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Build 120.15 - Aug 29th)  (Read 60828 times)

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Re: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Aug 13th)
« Reply #48 on: August 13, 2011, 05:40:25 AM »

Hi Pablo,

I tried the V1.2
It's looks like the "il2fb.exe" created doesn't launch on Windows 64 bits version.

As the V1.1 works fine with my "Histomod" profile, I keep it "as is" 8)

regards ,


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Re: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Aug 13th)
« Reply #49 on: August 13, 2011, 09:21:48 AM »

                  the il2fb.exe created by version 1.2 is exactly the same created by V1.1. Only the memory assignment procedure changed. The il2fbPAL.dll wrapper yes has changedbecause I added the profile parameter definition.

  And I have tested this in Win7 and Vista 64 bits (the 2 computers I have at home are Win7 64 bit and handle it flawlessly). I consider that it is highly probable that you have memory problems.

  First of all my suggestion is to use 512Mb and the 2 flags in 4Gb but many times you have to play with these values. Usually higher memory values produce lack of heap memory issues.



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Re: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Aug 13th)
« Reply #50 on: August 13, 2011, 09:57:19 AM »

Hi Pablo just aconfirmation from your side: I can paste ando copy my actual MODS folder in "Activator" together with Files (the one at the root of the game) so when I launch the game all the mods I have there will be read inside the profile I eventually have created. Now if inside the profile I can choose the order in which my main mods load, in the previously MODS now in Activator I do not have this choice, right?
Thks for any tipp and keep up the good work!
Best regards,

PS: two different profiles do require two "Activators" and then two copies of "Files"?

                 the idea is like this:

-For a quick Start Working Version, you just copy Files and MODS to one "Legacy" folder, Drag and Drop that "Legacy" folder to the right pane and you are done.

-For a general configuration that can be shared by many profiles, create an "Activator" folder, and copy there ONLY the Files and MODS present in the MOD Activator Package (Vanilla, SAS MODAct, whatever it was, the basic set of Files and MODS you needed to make the game work). Then you place as base for all your profiles this "Activator" folder (which inside has Files and MODS) and the rest of the individual MODS you Drag and Drop in top of "Activator", so they will MODify these contents.

The advantage is that you don't have to duplicate files for evey Profile or sub-version of the game. You always have the same files, and in some Profiles they are used and in other they don't. In fact the only thing that will be repeated is the basic set (the "Activator" as base folder).



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Re: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Aug 13th)
« Reply #51 on: August 13, 2011, 10:58:34 AM »

                  the il2fb.exe created by version 1.2 is exactly the same created by V1.1. Only the memory assignment procedure changed. The

Strange issues:
on my install, the v1.1 creates a new il2fb.exe (size about 180Ko) when a profile is activated

the v1.2 creates a il2fb.exe sized exactly as the il2fb.mods file (2 Ko for my "stock" profile without a mod , 1520 Ko for my "Histomod" profile)
if I try to launch IL2, I got an error message "il2fb is 16bits app, not compatible with windows 64bits etc..."
if I rename those il2fb.exe in il2fb.txt , I read the same filelist than in il2fb.mods.
I usualy use 512Mb and the 2 flags in 4Gb.
I have performed tests with the memory use slider "full at right" . The fail remains the same.

I reversed back to V1.1 and encountered no troubles.
I think that a voodoo sorcerer haunts my computer



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Re: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Aug 13th)
« Reply #52 on: August 13, 2011, 02:43:42 PM »

                    my mistake!

  Sorry, after implementing the multi-profile loadinf for the game, the "Activate Profile" became outdated and I didn't change its working method.

  Now it's ammended. I reuploaded the V1.2 with this change on Aug 13th afternoon.



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Re: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Aug 13th)
« Reply #53 on: August 13, 2011, 08:46:14 PM »

Do we need another instalation for the stock game?
Because I don't see a stock option in your screenshots. :)

I have read the manual, but I don't know where I'm failing to enable a UP3 option.
I created a #UP# folder and put the #UP# folder inside.
I put #UP#_Enable_UP3.0 and #UP# in the profile.
But when I try to activate the UP3 profile and I run the game, it is trying to start a stock version and CTD.

Thank you so much. :D



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Re: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Aug 13th)
« Reply #54 on: August 13, 2011, 11:48:39 PM »

Do we need another instalation for the stock game?
Because I don't see a stock option in your screenshots. :)

I have read the manual, but I don't know where I'm failing to enable a UP3 option.
I created a #UP# folder and put the #UP# folder inside.
I put #UP#_Enable_UP3.0 and #UP# in the profile.
But when I try to activate the UP3 profile and I run the game, it is trying to start a stock version and CTD.

Thank you so much. :D


               first of all, I suggest not to use one of the "Protected names" (read about Special Folders) for the name of the Main Game Activator. I don't know yet, but it could be a cause for fail (I don't remember what happened when the first level folder had that name, if it was considered a recursive protected folder or not).

  Apart of that, there is another reason why it can not be working. In DBW all the classes are independent hash files that come in the #DBW folder, so "Activating" that #DBW by placing it in an Activator folder is a piece of cake. But UP3 has its classes packed in the Files.SFS file. This file must be located in the Root folder of the game, and my program doesn't have any mechanism of doing that. You have to copy it manually. Backup current Files.SFS, find the new Files.SFS inside #UP#_Enable_UP3.0 of jsgemods and copy it to Il-2 Sturmovik 1946. Activate properly like UP3Activator\#UP# the MOD and it should work OK.



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Re: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Aug 13th)
« Reply #55 on: August 14, 2011, 01:41:46 AM »

Well done Pablo! ;)

The new version works perfectly!
To created profile's shortcuts directly on desktop is really cool.

Best regards,



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Re: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Aug 13th)
« Reply #56 on: August 14, 2011, 02:50:09 AM »

Hi Pablo and thks. Alot for answering! Now it's much clearer (afteralso a night of thinking about....)
Have a nice day!


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Re: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Aug 13th)
« Reply #57 on: August 14, 2011, 03:57:12 AM »


Version 1.1 work great for me.
But after install 1.2 i make all step from pdf and after start game i see windows dos window for milisec and nothing happend.
After back to Moder 1.1 all work fine , i even dont change configuration from version 1.2.

My system : XP


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Re: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Aug 13th)
« Reply #58 on: August 14, 2011, 05:32:47 AM »


Version 1.1 work great for me.
But after install 1.2 i make all step from pdf and after start game i see windows dos window for milisec and nothing happend.
After back to Moder 1.1 all work fine , i even dont change configuration from version 1.2.

My system : XP


               under some circumstances (this was a code problem), the Version 1.1 didn't save the memory settings.

  First question for your problem: have you reactivated (through Tools / Executable Selector) the Total MODder? Perhaps in your system, it was the first time you really had memory options applied (considering that it's possible that you didn't have any before if in your computer arised the problem of the V1.1).

  After starting to use the V1.2 even me started to have some problems regarding memory and huge game installation (typically called Java memory limitation), and I learnt that previously didn't have that conflict only because the activation of the game made by V1.1 wasn't complete.

  So what to do?

  If V1.1 worked for you, I suggest going to Executable Selector of V1.2 and Uncheck "Enable Special Memory Options". Click on Write Changes. It will create pure (non memory adjusted) versions of il2fb.exe and il2fbPAL.dll (as theorically were doing your V1.1). Check if now your game works.

  The other way of action is disabling some extra airplanes to DBW from your air.ini file. And later, after having confirmed that it was a lack of memory issue, start to play with the memory parameters of the Executable Selector (usually setting the Allocated RAM to 512Mb or less) and trying to find a suitable configuration for you (not the same for everybody).



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Re: New MODding Tool: Total MODder V1.2 (Aug 13th)
« Reply #59 on: August 14, 2011, 01:39:03 PM »

In 1.1 i have check Enable Special Memory Options" on 672 mega - its works
1.2 work if like you said uncheck Enable Special Memory Options" - game work with DBW mod
then i check  Enable Special Memory Options" on 672 mega - game work, then active profile mod dbw- game crash
then again uncheck Enable Special Memory Options" - game work with mod
than again Enable Special Memory Options" - 672 mega but cant touche active profile game work with mod :):)
strange but work :):)
ask : with how many mg my game work ?????
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