Hi Pablo
Thanks for a superb utility! The organisation of mods and allocation of different profiles has already widened the scope of Il2 for me, playing with new setups. The interface and layout quickly revealed a small number of duplicated files within my mod folder and tidied everything up. Launching and performance are also improved.
I will be registering.
However, clumsy and inelegant as it is, JSGME has the advantage of being easier to use for Noobs, or people who play but don't like to mod anything complicated. What I mean is that specific combinations altering the vital Air.INI and Stationary.INIs, for example, can be more easily implemented, tested, rolled-backed and then shared with Noobs through the use of JSGME.
Total MODder is a far better tool, superior in every way, except for the packaging of drop-in mod combinations, which is the strength of JSGME. Total MODder is really for 'power users' if you like.
As a modded campaign builder should I just list mods used and let people get on with it? Is there, or will there be, a way to export profiles or add pre-built mod-packages that will overwrite files and back them up, yet be easy to rollback when the installer forgets something or experiences a mod conflict? - and will we still have to use JSGME to test big mod-combos for conflicts?
In other words, while I love it and believe most users will adapt to Total MODder's greater range and efficiency, its going to be difficult to wean some players off JSGME and get them to dive in! At the moment there is no shallow end, great if you swim, not so good if you have a party of Noobs in tow. My words are not intended as criticism, just an impression that may be useful. I shall continue practicing with Total MODder and learn all I can.