With this mod damage can be done to ships using guns only regardless if it’s 50 cals or 20mm cannons or what have you. As it is now you can’t do much damage to ships with guns at all, even with cannon rounds. With that said, I am 100% positive a mod like this is possible because I already made a mod that will allow this to be done and it’s more dependent on the ships damage model rather than the gun strength. Try this. Copy the text below into your ship.ini file and over write the existing text. Then make a mission using cargo ships, then attack with guns only. Short of being able to simulate fuel, oil barrel, depth charges and such being hit, I have tried to make this as random as I could so that it’s hard to know just when the ship will die. This is part of a bigger mod so you won’t get the full effect, but at least you will be able to kill ships with guns now. It can be hard to do depending on the plane you're in but it can be done and it will take multiple passes. This will not work on destroyers and such, but it will work on transport ships, fishing boats and the like. In addition it was not possible to kill light cruisers with AP Rockets, but with this mod you and your wingies can kill ‘em with AP Rockets. Give this a try then let me know what you think.
Copy the text below into your ship.ini
MinShotCaliber 0.0127 //0.037
NumShots 680 //106
MinHitExplTNT 13.8 //10
NumHitExpl 13.8 //11.2
MinNearExplTNT 20 //49
NumNearExpl 5 //16
MinShotCaliber 0.0127 //0.05
NumShots 1000 //118
MinHitExplTNT 16 //10
NumHitExpl 16 //18
MinNearExplTNT 30 //70
NumNearExpl 8 //18
Here is a pic of the ship explosion effect from Battle Sights v4.0
Remember to backup your ship.ini file.
This is still WIP so any input is welcome.