Well if you want to switch anything off you'll have to do some leg work, but here's what needs to be done.
To replace the smokes that are in this (soccoristas cinema effects mid air smoke) with the standard plutonium effects smokes you'll need to open plutonium effects. Go to
and take the files BlackHeavySPD.eff and BlackHeavyTSPD.eff and put them into this effects pack at
Drive:\000_Uwe's effect compilation\3DO\Effects\Aircraft\
Allow them to overwrite and replace what is there already.
With these two files if you try to just remove them without replacing their equivalent from Plutonium effects you will be left with the stock effects smokes. They MUST be replaced with their equivalent from plutonium effects.
and then remove the files
located in Drive:\000_Uwe's effect compilation\3DO\Effects\Textures\
My recommendation is that if you don't care for the effects here simply throw together a compilation of your own. Because in reality your going to put more work into trying to remove/customize the effects found in my quaint little package than you would just putting together one of your own.
All of the mods that are in this are readily available, and the instructions for making them work are all in their specific threads.
All you need to know is the basics of the structure necessary to make stuff work in the mods folder and you'll be good to go!
And I'm happy to help. It took my computer-illiterate butt less than 10 minutes to throw this little pack together, I'm sure all of you are more than capable of it as well.