I can tell you from personal experience that they are the closest thing we have yet seen to an accurate tracer. The only thing I don't like about them is the "Ball" at the end. Ive never seen a tracer, from 5.56 and 9mm (really funny looking tracer) to 105's and TOW2C's that have a "ball" like these have, but I'm not sure that they can be removed. Other than that they are spot-freakin-on.
Now I think we need to make some distinctions here, are we going for the most accurate effects, or more what strikes our fancy?
If we are agreed that our highest goal is to achieve the closest representation of reality then why not add some weight to our arguments?
I'm really wide open to hear about different ideas, but please, if your going to say its not accurate please state why you think its so. Its a good way to get the best true effect going.
So if you don't think its accurate that's fine, in fact Id love to hear it, but it sounds a lot better when you say "I spent many years training with small arms and these tracers aren't accurate/need to be changed in X manner" or "The burning aircraft/war material that Ive witnessed did not smoke in the same way these effects do, can we change them in X way?" Etc.
I guess that this is a good spot to say that the effects Ive included are included because they most accurately reflect what Ive seen in my (limited) combat experience.
BUT if it simply comes down to you not liking the way they look they can be removed. Just like anything esle find the appropriate file/folder and remove it.
This tracer pack, by Hguderian I believe, is a fairly close approximation of all the varying effects we see in real tracers. Definitely closer than the stock game which in no way, shape or form resembles any tracer used in any modern military small arms. The stock effect is so terribly off as to be insulting, and just laughable.