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Author Topic: New gunfire effects.  (Read 23878 times)

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Re: New gunfire effects.
« Reply #84 on: August 20, 2011, 04:37:36 AM »

Dear CWMV,
I never flew and shoot in real Bf 109 or Fw 190, but it looks that You did as You mentioned in Your previous posts. Just asked for help how to switch off gun tracers which I don't like personally. That was all-and then You started strange monologue about  Your 'battle-experience' and tread me like a newbie with Your 'teacher to pupil' speach. That was not the way I used to met when asking for help, especially on that forum.
So I would like to ask again- how to replace gun tracers from CWMV pack with PAL effects?
Thank You  in advance for efficient help.
All the best. 



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Re: New gunfire effects.
« Reply #85 on: August 20, 2011, 06:43:36 AM »

Dear CWMV,
I never flew and shoot in real Bf 109 or Fw 190, but it looks that You did as You mentioned in Your previous posts. Just asked for help how to switch off gun tracers which I don't like personally. That was all-and then You started strange monologue about  Your 'battle-experience' and tread me like a newbie with Your 'teacher to pupil' speach. That was not the way I used to met when asking for help, especially on that forum.
So I would like to ask again- how to replace gun tracers from CWMV pack with PAL effects?
Thank You  in advance for efficient help.
All the best. 

This is what I did. I placed the PAL effects folder in front of CWMV's effects within my #DBW folder. I then disabled the Effects folder within PAL with a '-' and entered the 3DO/Effects folder and disabled the Textures folder here. I now have PAL tracers with CWMV tracer smoke, which is my favourite option.


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Re: New gunfire effects.
« Reply #86 on: August 20, 2011, 12:51:21 PM »

Dear CWMV,
I never flew and shoot in real Bf 109 or Fw 190, but it looks that You did as You mentioned in Your previous posts. Just asked for help how to switch off gun tracers which I don't like personally. That was all-and then You started strange monologue about  Your 'battle-experience' and tread me like a newbie with Your 'teacher to pupil' speach. That was not the way I used to met when asking for help, especially on that forum.
So I would like to ask again- how to replace gun tracers from CWMV pack with PAL effects?
Thank You  in advance for efficient help.
All the best.
No strange monologue dude. You seem to have missed the point by a large margin.

My choices were to either post "No, they are accurate, post your evidence or don't post at all" in a manner that I know would raise offense, or to explain my rational. I also tried to explain my point of view.
No, I've never flown a Focke Wulf or 109, but I have spent the majority of my adult life training with and around the same type of weapon systems and then employing them in their intended use, so you will forgive me if I feel I have the standing to ask others of their evidence in saying things are not correct.

All I want to know is if you think the effects in here are inaccurate then upon what basis or evidence are you making that argument. Like I said if you simply don't like something cause its just not appealing to you then that's fine remove it at your leisure or hey don't use this at all. Just please state as much rather than questioning their "historical accuracy". If you have better experience or evidence Hell I'm interested.

And for the record, I'm not interested in teaching anyone here anything, nor am I certain I could as everything I know well enough to teach is of martial nature. if by taking a non aggressive tone to explain what I would appreciate in critiques is going to be interpreted as loading over you then Hell, I give up.

And if you want to change something you do it just like you did the last ump-teen effects you didn't care for, take the folder of the effects you like and use it to replace the corresponding folder in the effect pack. Easy peasy.


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Re: New gunfire effects.
« Reply #87 on: August 21, 2011, 05:53:03 AM »

Well its been downloaded 40+ times since I posted it, and no complaints so thats good!
All I did was package some great effects made by talented modders, hope y'all enjoy.

Hello CWMV. Thanks for this awesome mod. I was sick of the bombing something and seeing no burn later. It was too fake. My problem is that I have tried to add mods that I used to run and I am having trouble understanding how to place them in. I know there was a write up on this subject but I dunno, I must be doing something wrong cuz none of them work at all. What do I do exactly to these old mods to make them fit or if you don't want to explain, could you send me in the right direction? Thanks a ton. S!


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Re: New gunfire effects.
« Reply #88 on: August 21, 2011, 06:34:30 AM »

Sure no problem!
What all are you trying to add exactly?
Normally adding or removing something to/from this pack is very easy, if you tell me what your trying to add I can do my best to get you squared away.
Normally its a simple matter of following the mod\3do\effects\... of the mod you want to add, and in the pack you want to add it to. when you get to the files you want to add you just drop them in the pack in the same place/path that the mod has them in.


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Re: New gunfire effects.
« Reply #89 on: August 28, 2011, 04:27:33 AM »

just a quick note here for anyone using CWMV's FX compilation in DBW - the classfile E59248A20A60686C interferes with the external open canopy view of the Hurricanes.
removing or disabling this classfile cures it.
maybe only noticed by Hurricane freaks, of which i am one, but there you have it, just fyi.  ;)
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Re: New gunfire effects.
« Reply #90 on: August 28, 2011, 04:31:16 AM »

Thank you sir!
You know anyone who can peek in there and see what it effects? I cant look into the classfiles  :(


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Re: New gunfire effects.
« Reply #91 on: August 28, 2011, 04:36:12 AM »

welll....i can look inside, but what i see inside is slightly greek to me (pardon, HaDeS!) ;D
i'll report back if i find anything, but i have a feeling your mod might not miss this classfile at all.
just off the top of my head, i'd guess it has something to do with the gore/bulletholes mod..
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Re: New gunfire effects.
« Reply #92 on: August 28, 2011, 04:39:41 AM »

Ya truthfully I didnt even run it with the classfiles at all before.
Then some people said they wanted the classfiles back, so I added all but the two problem files back.
The ONLY thing I noticed different were the blue flames from the merlin exhaust, thats it!  :D


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Re: New gunfire effects.
« Reply #93 on: August 28, 2011, 05:02:09 AM »

well, this is the thing with fx mods - guys just have to learn to fiddle with these mods themselves - it's really impossible for anyone to make an fx pack that satisfies everyone, because everyone has their own idea of the 'right' fx.
and it's this kind of thing, with the canopies, that someone might not even notice simply because they load a new mod, fly a test with their favorite plane, say, FW190, and everything checks out ok. they now assume this mod works fine.
then, a month or two down the line, they fly with a Hurricane and notice this for the first time, then they have to figure out which of the mods they've added in the meantime that would be causing it.
properly testing this game between mods is no joke. there are only..oh, well over 300 planes to test.  ;D
how many guys here can tell me they tested with every plane between each mod, lol.... :D...so it's important to at least be able to identify potentially conflicting classfiles, always. much easier than testing every single plane looking for errors....
i mean, really, if a guy wants his mod with or without the included classfiles, he should just freakin' do it himself, rather than expecting one of the modders to make a gazillion different versions to suit each guys personal taste.  8)
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Re: New gunfire effects.
« Reply #94 on: August 28, 2011, 06:51:19 AM »

Spot-on. Really we can't have everything, and sometimes it's simply down to a choice between one mod or another, but not both. Still, thanks for fixing this particular conflict, Malone.


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Re: New gunfire effects.
« Reply #95 on: August 28, 2011, 09:00:57 AM »

Agreed, its not like its hard to figure it out either.
It's really too bad that these haven't been really reworked for 4.10.1, but we soldier on! :D
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