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Author Topic: B-24D FIGHTIN' SAM  (Read 10127 times)

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« on: August 12, 2011, 07:18:52 PM »

This is a skin of Fightin' Sam, B-24D-65-CO, 42-51457, 389th Bomb Group, 566th Bomb Squadron, Hethel, Norfolk, England.Skin by me Gumpy template by Jarink.       https://www.mediafire.com/?t9zl5glvul7c8bf


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« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2011, 05:05:19 AM »

Another great skin Gumpy, thanks alot. Is there any chance you could do a blank ETO and MTO skin please?




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« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2011, 05:14:01 AM »

 ;D  Great


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« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2011, 04:54:26 PM »

Another excellent B-24d skin... and we do need then! thankyou Gumpy i love this airplane and i'm rapidly becoming your number one fan, do you have plans for any more? and may i be so bold as to request one from you? i'm reading alot at the moment about the 44th bombardment group based in Shipdham Norfolk, squadrons 66th, 67th, 68th and the 506th

I'm writing a book on the history of the 506th in particular and their part in the Kiel raid and Ploesti raids, two of these magnificent bombers came down returning from raids not far from my home while attempting an emergancy landing at a fighter field called Gales farm near Friston in East Sussex England, these were RUTH-LESS and HEAVEN CAN WAIT both crews sadly perished but any skins of the 506th would be greatly appreciated and i'll happily research them for you.

regards Blumax


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« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2011, 09:35:43 PM »

What happened to the wreckage of those two planes bluemax?


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« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2011, 09:55:15 AM »

Huh, very intresting...


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« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2011, 03:40:14 PM »

Thanks, Gumpy


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« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2011, 03:52:08 PM »

Another excellent B-24d skin... and we do need then! thankyou Gumpy i love this airplane and i'm rapidly becoming your number one fan, do you have plans for any more? and may i be so bold as to request one from you? i'm reading alot at the moment about the 44th bombardment group based in Shipdham Norfolk, squadrons 66th, 67th, 68th and the 506th

I'm writing a book on the history of the 506th in particular and their part in the Kiel raid and Ploesti raids, two of these magnificent bombers came down returning from raids not far from my home while attempting an emergancy landing at a fighter field called Gales farm near Friston in East Sussex England, these were RUTH-LESS and HEAVEN CAN WAIT both crews sadly perished but any skins of the 506th would be greatly appreciated and i'll happily research them for you.

regards Blumax
If you could find me anything on these two plane I would be able to come up with something I'm sure but,I have done some searching myself and came away empty not even a color profile or clear black and white picture.I need something with nose art and tail codes to even get started.I did find some pics of HEAVEN CAN WAIT nose art but,the caption claimed it was in the Pacific.Did it transfer to the European theater or was there more than one plane with that nose art?   


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« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2011, 04:42:14 PM »

There were more than a few B-24s named "Heaven can Wait"! B24 BestWeb lists 10 of them!
It' s possible one of these is the one you're looking for, as it might have been transferred from some other group to the 44th (or vice versa) and is listed with that other group.


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« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2011, 08:34:32 PM »

There were more than a few B-24s named "Heaven can Wait"! B24 BestWeb lists 10 of them!
It' s possible one of these is the one you're looking for, as it might have been transferred from some other group to the 44th (or vice versa) and is listed with that other group.
Yep looked at all those,none seems to be the one I need though.


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« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2011, 04:26:33 AM »

Thanks Gumpy i really appreciate this, I'm also finding this quite tricky as there were in fact 12 B-24's named Heaven Can Wait and several B-17's as well with the same name serving in nearly all theatres of the war but i've narrowed it down a bit to the 68th squadron 44th BG and she was a B-24H, I'll keep on it.

The one i would really like though is RUTH-LESS as she is the centre piece of my book, as far as i can tell there was only one ship with that name which was a B-24D of the 506th squadron 44th BG, i've found several 'black and whites' of her but still need more info so i'll keep on it and get some posted. The trouble i'm having is that the squadrons of the 44th had 9 B24's each but as they were shot down or damaged they were replaced with different variants and some being olive drab in colour while others were bare metal and then of course they were sent to north Africa to help with the invasion of Sicily, Italy and the ploesti raids in which certain ID numbers and their eight ball logos were removed, some were then painted in 'desert' colours while others remained origanal, then to make things worse they returned to England, some had their eight balls and nose art repainted, others didn't and when they were repainted often they looked different to the origanal artwork, being painted by different crews.

I'm going to concerntrate on RUTH-LESS with her origanal crew and colours when she arrived in England as this seems to have been pretty much unaltered through out her life even though she had several pilots and at least two entirely different crews and done the north Africa service, i do know she served in entirely in olive drab even in the med. I'll keep you posted


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« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2011, 08:46:55 AM »

OK this is what i have so far, i'm about to swamp this post with images so i wil delete it as soon as we're done so as not to hijack you're 'FIGHTIN SAM' thread, i've actually found a skin of the 44th and its pretty much 'there' but needs some modification for Ruth-less, so first i'll start with the basic colour scheme.

She was olive drab with a dull silver underbelly like the images below

The line along the fusilage that seperated the olive drab from the silver underside was straight and not wavy on this plane and like wise for the engine nacels

The leading edges of the wings and tail fins were painted a flat matt black

On the upper side of the wings a US star logo was painted on the left but was NOT outlined in blue like in the image below and on the right side was painted a white circle with a large A in the centre

The props were black but had either white or yellow tips (still searching) as seen in the top photo of the images below

The tail fins had a huge white circle painted on them with an A in the centre and below this painted in yellow was the tail code 4124282, beneath that was a huge Y underscored as seen in the image below of the crash site (again still trying to find what colour)

The US star logo on the fusilage was much higher and further toward the rear than in the image below and almost looked like it had been painted first and then the waste gunner window cut through it. The logo was NOT outlined in blue!

waste gunner position

The flying eight ball logo was only painted on the left hand side and was a bit further forward and lower

In these two photos below you can see the position of the eight ball logo just behind the crew, in the second one the logo has been painted out for security reasons but you can still see where it was

The only art work on the nose was the name RUTH-LESS painted on both sides and yet again i can't find the colour yet

In this image of the right side the name AUDREY is painted in yellow, i can't make out the smaller writing that follows it but i think it might be the name LT SCOTT who's girlfriend was called Audrey

There was no eightball logo on the right

Below the right waste gunners window was written 'KITTY' girlfriend of the gunner 'Siggy'  Siegfeldt in light blue

I can't make out the position of radio operator Dan Kennons girlfriends name THEO  again painted in light blue so i'll keep trying on that one

On the left side of the fusilage just below the waist gunner window are 2 smaller windows, just above these 2 small windows are a pair of dice painted in black, outlined in white with white dots and rolled at lucky seven, just below the windows painted in yellow is the name 'CHICKEN SMITH'

Thats all i have for the moment but i'm still looking, here's just a few more of the skin i found

I'm having trouble with getting some colours, the name RUTH-LESS was later outlined in a darker colour presumably black but still i can't find the actual name colour,
just below the pilots window was a red rectangle with LT F G SLOUGH painted over it, below that a line of sixteen bombs in one unknown colour with another bomb lying 'flat' (different colour) and then a further three bombs standing on their nose like the first sixteen but different colour again.
Beneath them were two swastikas (not in white circles) and then beneath those three little ducks, i'm trying to find a good image of these.
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