"Dude: get real, this is IL2 -a GAME-" <snip>
No shit? Jeez, Wally, does that mean that we're not gonna' be taking the check ride for another Type Rating tomorrow?
Dude, what's your problem? Been doing Jepp revisions all day?
Naaah, that ain't it...
You straight-up hate me, and I'm a sumbitch if I know why. Second, maybe the third time, you've climbed my ass, and insulted my intelligence. First time was on the old AAA site.
You are 100% correct. IL-2 ain't a real airplane. It's not an FAA Certificated Training Device either, therefore, I don't need to know precisely how it works, so I don't, precisely.
Does that make sense?
Suffice it to say that IL-2/UP3/HSFX isn't freakin' X-Plane either, is it? Or FlightSafety...
As for cleaning up the wing on your Thunderbolt, had the math for revised performance numbers been over your head, I would have done the calculations for ya', no sweat.
But, you talked me out of it.
Besides, I need to study the checklist, and devise some cockpit flows for DCS: P-51D Mustang, which I purchased/downloaded yesterday.
So, I really can't be bothered to fiddle with that unrealistic POS that you cobbled together, anyway.
Break a leg, Poindexter.