I mentioned this over at the freemodding thread as well, but thought it worth mentioning here also;
Any alterations of the 3D will likely affect the panel lines, cammo, and quite possibly the 'vis-mods' mapping on any of my existing skins. If the proper wing guns are fitted, then those powder stains and gun ports will need to disappear as well. To do the skins up right, with any 3d alterations, will likely require a rebuild of the template. Otherwise, it might look like a monkey with a hangover made 'em
So once the dust has settled, and whatever 3d that's going to be done, is done; I'll take a look at revising my template to precisely fit the model.
I think the biggest thing that bothered me about using the Ki100 as a base, is the distinctive aft canopy area, and to a certain extent, the wing pylons and exhaust.. plus I could only fit so many valve-dome vismods on the cowling due to the air scoops. Surprisingly, and perhaps it's just me, but the 'fuselage-spine vismod' seems to work fairly well at all but the most extreme angles.. so it might get by without any alterations?
Just try to remember, I did these back in the 'pre-mod' era; so a lot of my 'vis-mods' might actually be replaced with some actual mesh. Pretty cool that you guys can do this sort of stuff these days, and I'm looking forward to what comes of this; Good Luck!