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Author Topic: Mission Pro Combo (MissionPro, QMBPro and FMBPro) - Last Release 2011.09.09  (Read 58270 times)

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Re: Mission Pro Combo (MissionPro, QMBPro and FMBPro) - Last Release 2011.09.09
« Reply #72 on: September 16, 2011, 05:31:11 PM »

Now I understood what you meant. :)
It happens in all dynamic campaigns.
I adopted a method to avoid this, every time I can't complete a mission, I go back to the main screen and, after that, I launch the same campaign again.
I can fly again the same mission and proceed with the campaign.

Edit: The "refly" button is actually the "arming" button and there is not a true "refly" button after you failed the mission.
The static campaigns seem OK.



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Re: Mission Pro Combo (MissionPro, QMBPro and FMBPro) - Last Release 2011.09.09
« Reply #73 on: September 17, 2011, 01:25:11 PM »


Thanks mate for your tip!!


I have check the classfile inside the various PAL mission pro combo I have and I discovered some incongruence:

4.09 = 149 classfiles

4.101 from here https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,15002.0.html = 199 classfiles

4.101 from this tread = 199 classfiles (the same classfiles as the tread above!!!!)

DBW 4.101 from this tread = 349 classfiles

So what I need to know now is:

The 4.101 I download here is the same old 4.101 of this https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,15002.0.html tread or should be the new one but something went wrong with the upload and was uploaded the old instead of the new?

Waiting your reply I caught the occasion to wish you all the best!!!



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Re: Mission Pro Combo (MissionPro, QMBPro and FMBPro) - Last Release 2011.09.09
« Reply #74 on: September 17, 2011, 02:09:49 PM »


Thanks mate for your tip!!


I have check the classfile inside the various PAL mission pro combo I have and I discovered some incongruence:

4.09 = 149 classfiles

4.101 from here https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,15002.0.html = 199 classfiles

4.101 from this tread = 199 classfiles (the same classfiles as the tread above!!!!)

DBW 4.101 from this tread = 349 classfiles

So what I need to know now is:

The 4.101 I download here is the same old 4.101 of this https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,15002.0.html tread or should be the new one but something went wrong with the upload and was uploaded the old instead of the new?

Waiting your reply I caught the occasion to wish you all the best!!!


               the post is clear: this is the last version. What does it mean? Some functions that were not implemented in previous ones now are in the combo. So: more classes were modified, some non-existent sub-classes were needed, that's the reason why it has more files.

  If you want all the features described at this post, you need the version of this post, if you conform with less, you can use other.

  Clear and easy.



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Re: Mission Pro Combo (MissionPro, QMBPro and FMBPro) - Last Release 2011.09.09
« Reply #75 on: September 17, 2011, 02:34:57 PM »

Sorry but maybe I don't make me understand!

I like to test the new future of choice squadron by nation in a SAS mod activator 3 running game!


If I download and install the 4.101 (not DBW) from this tread in my #SAS folder I got the old style MissionProCombo without the new squadron by nation choice;

If I compare the classfiles of this one with the older version I downloaded in this tread https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,15002.0.html I find that they are the same (same number of classfiles -199 , same classfiles name , same classfles size and same classfiles last modification date!).

If I compare this one with one I find in the SAS 3.6 mod activator they have different size (319 classfiles vs 199)!!

So , since the new future is what I'm looking for , I can now suppose that I should add the last 4.101 DBW version!!

But if I install this one in my #SAS folder I got a 70% ctd even if I haven't any plane installed and 70% CTD happen with or without DiffFM mod enabled!!!

Can you tell me which installation I should download (to have the new squadron selection by country as shown in the first post) working in a SAS mod act 3 game?

Thanks in advance and apologize for the bothering!!



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Re: Mission Pro Combo (MissionPro, QMBPro and FMBPro) - Last Release 2011.09.09
« Reply #76 on: September 17, 2011, 03:58:52 PM »

I love Mission Pro, et al but I have screwed up so many installs. I have ( 4.10.1 / HSFX Mod 5.0 / HotFix 5.0 / GunsightFix_Mig15-17 / HSFX5_SAS_Modact_v1.2.7z ) The sim is running very good right now, and as much as I want this mod, I's scared to try to install.  What kind of issues can I expect with this and HSFX?



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Re: Mission Pro Combo (MissionPro, QMBPro and FMBPro) - Last Release 2011.09.09
« Reply #77 on: September 17, 2011, 09:59:11 PM »

Sorry but maybe I don't make me understand!

I like to test the new future of choice squadron by nation in a SAS mod activator 3 running game!


If I download and install the 4.101 (not DBW) from this tread in my #SAS folder I got the old style MissionProCombo without the new squadron by nation choice;

If I compare the classfiles of this one with the older version I downloaded in this tread https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,15002.0.html I find that they are the same (same number of classfiles -199 , same classfiles name , same classfles size and same classfiles last modification date!).

If I compare this one with one I find in the SAS 3.6 mod activator they have different size (319 classfiles vs 199)!!

So , since the new future is what I'm looking for , I can now suppose that I should add the last 4.101 DBW version!!

But if I install this one in my #SAS folder I got a 70% ctd even if I haven't any plane installed and 70% CTD happen with or without DiffFM mod enabled!!!

Can you tell me which installation I should download (to have the new squadron selection by country as shown in the first post) working in a SAS mod act 3 game?

Thanks in advance and apologize for the bothering!!


                the head of this post states "DBW style". What does it mean? Inside the .rar you will find a folder called:

#DBW_MissionPro Combo by PAL

  This folder is to be copied in a typical jsgemods folder for JSGME. Inside that, there are two subfolders (that's the reason why the file count is so much higher), and these folders are called:


  Each one is useful for the activation of the classic DBW or the 1916 version. Inside them (as I told you they are duplicated), you will find the real mod, which is in this folder:


  That's the folder you have to copy to the corresponding MODS folder of your installation. I gave all these steps for granted by saying that it was in DBW format, but when you don't have DBW the full explanation are the details I gave you in this post.

  Doing so you should be able to have it working properly.



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Re: Mission Pro Combo (MissionPro, QMBPro and FMBPro) - Last Release 2011.09.09
« Reply #78 on: September 17, 2011, 10:34:03 PM »

I love Mission Pro, et al but I have screwed up so many installs. I have ( 4.10.1 / HSFX Mod 5.0 / HotFix 5.0 / GunsightFix_Mig15-17 / HSFX5_SAS_Modact_v1.2.7z ) The sim is running very good right now, and as much as I want this mod, I's scared to try to install.  What kind of issues can I expect with this and HSFX?


  Theorically with HSFX there are no issues to expect. Just copy as I explained to Walter tjhe internal folder to the MODs directory and it should work. If you find any problem, just remove it: you don't risk so much.



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Re: Mission Pro Combo (MissionPro, QMBPro and FMBPro) - Last Release 2011.09.09
« Reply #79 on: September 18, 2011, 02:58:19 AM »

Dear Pablo I got this working in DBW flawless from the first time I installed it!!!

What I don't understand was that the new future (the squadron selected by country) can't work in a mod act installation #SAS folder!!

I supposed this reading the second part of the first post where you paste the old tread which have a download link !!

Since this new version is only for SAS DBW , can I suggest to edit the original post you paste here in a true quote format so none wich isn't english native  like me can misunderstood about the existance of two different version , one for DBW and one for mod activators?

Anyway , back to the new future , this is a great news that make squadron selection more friendly!!

A better desire can be that you could consider to make mine misunderstood a real update also for the old good 4.101 Mission Pro Combo final release....please!

All the best!



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Re: Mission Pro Combo (MissionPro, QMBPro and FMBPro) - Last Release 2011.09.09
« Reply #80 on: September 18, 2011, 09:23:02 AM »

Dear Pablo I got this working in DBW flawless from the first time I installed it!!!

What I don't understand was that the new future (the squadron selected by country) can't work in a mod act installation #SAS folder!!

I supposed this reading the second part of the first post where you paste the old tread which have a download link !!

Since this new version is only for SAS DBW , can I suggest to edit the original post you paste here in a true quote format so none wich isn't english native  like me can misunderstood about the existance of two different version , one for DBW and one for mod activators?

Anyway , back to the new future , this is a great news that make squadron selection more friendly!!

A better desire can be that you could consider to make mine misunderstood a real update also for the old good 4.101 Mission Pro Combo final release....please!

All the best!


                 I still don't understand what can be going on. You mean that if you copy the internal folder 00_PAL-MissionProCombo to:


  It hangs the game with CTD when loading?

  Have you checked the log.lst to know what type of error it gives? As far as I know it shouldn't be related to one of the problems with FMBPro and regiments, because the plugins for the Builder only are loaded when it has to open it.

  So it's quite probable that your actual problem is the one that the game has when there are no valid QMB Missions. Check this thread in pages 4 and 5, where we speak about the fact that by default MissionProCombo for DBW reads quick missions from Missions\QuickQMBPro instead of the original Missions\Quick.

  Please check it because I have clrearly explained it, you have to copy Quick to QuickQMBPro or add this parameter in your [Mods] section of Conf.ini:




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Re: Mission Pro Combo (MissionPro, QMBPro and FMBPro) - Last Release 2011.09.09
« Reply #81 on: September 18, 2011, 12:24:43 PM »

Why do half the maps in the QMB list not work? They all say missing some file or Data File Corrupt. Are there updated maps I need to download?


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I have somehing to report.
Whenever I go to FMB and set a flight and then enter the "objects" card for that flight, if it is a modded plane, the window will crash when you access the individual cards for plane 1, 2, 3 or 4. (nothing in FMB is claclable anymore you have to srg-alt-entf kill the game)
can you please check that?

with stock-planes it seems to work perfectly.


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OK Andy,
                   I will take a look to it.

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