Extremely useful resource you've got there, cheers.
On a side note, here's my 2 cents regarding the amount of crew positions, which might go like this:
-Position 1 for pilot (gunsight mode switches to the engineer seat if possible)
-Position 2 for navigator/bombardier seat
-Position 3 for nose gunner
-Position 4 for port upper gunner
-Position 5 for starboard upper gunner (both 2 have the fore and aft turrets merged)
-Position 6 for ventral port gunner
-Position 7 for ventral starboard gunner
-Position 8 for tail gunner
Some of the fuselage turrets may be left AI only if necessary, and for the stripped down J model the positions can be narrowed down to 3.
And lastly, we'll probably need something as vast as the Peterhead airfield in the stock Norway map to accommodate this bird this BIG (with a B-29 for comparison):