Im not sure if anyone else said something about this, but looking at this photo ive noticed that the tail wheel is down....
Not sure if that is some form of a hydraulic failure as well.
The tailwheel only came down during the final dive, it wasn't down during the half loop/split S just before the crash. I think that G forces helped the wheel come down, regardless of actual cause. Hydraulic failure is a possibility, but there's no evidence that the main gear was coming down, or that flaps were deploying. Perhaps they were locked in place or prevented from deploying due to high airspeed.
Hyrdraulic failure would also account for the plane flipping to the right from the Propeller Rotation. And its a possiblity that, from hydraulic failure, that elevator trim tab came off.
Why would the main gears or flaps not come down? Once again your correct, the G's would keep them steadily in there. Them being locked in is also a possiblity.
I mean if you think about it... One trim tab comes off, you not only do have another, you would also think that the plane would head the direction it came off of...