Thank you for a very complete explanation of the path forward for DBW and the reasons behind that plan.
As you have said:
"In the end, it comes down to that there were two schools. One said, we want to have everything and anything at all, even if it is crap. The other said, lets just have the best and required, and leave the rest up to the individual player."
Because our previous way of modding the game is limiting how much further we can go, I solidly support the '2nd school' approach as you have stated it above. Specifically, I agree that DBW's potential would be best maximized with the emphasis place on building a collection of unique new aircraft, as oppose to many minimal variations of a few. As was the case before DBW, the '2nd school' approach will also provide players with the option of adding mods that aren't normally included. So, for those players who want a wide range of variations for certain aircraft, they will have to option of including such mods in their custom installation of DBW. I think this way most players, if not all, will be satisfied. For me, this is all welcomed news.
As I have said before, I am enjoying DBW 1.6 very much and look forward to 1.7 when it's time comes. Also, I want to express my thanks to you, and all others involved, for the time and effort being put into making DBW a great place to play

. You have my trust.