Here is the list of all mods I added above DBW 1.6. The conclusion is that the when is cursed crash is going to come does not depend entirely on the number of planes but has to do a lot with the duplicates that they may create and how much is loaded (3D files, hier etc.). I 've seen that when I add a plane that just requires en extra classfile, the taken space is limited.

So to explain a bit :
- New pilots : A comprehesive pack of all of wolfighter pilot mods.
- Bender's Gunfire : A newer version of lower resolution, my own creation, helps a lot FPS.
- A-20 : A comprehesive pack of late A-20s together.
- B-26
- Fw 190D-9 Early
- Hurricane Pack sea: My own extraction of Sea Hurricane Mk. II, supposely only for 4.09. Absolutely trouble-free. -
- P-24 : All P.24s. Try them agaist the various FIATs, their dogfights are epic!
- Spitfire Mk VIII : LF and HF versions, a sum of 4 planes, the best spitfires you can find everywhere. I corrected the tail of the HF with the bigger rudder.
- Spitfire Mk Vc Late : All the late 1942/Early 1943 produced Spit Mk Vcs that are available as a seperate mod.
- Wellinghton Mk. III : Supposely only 4.09, no problems.
- P-3bis serial : Karabas barabas mod I think
- P-39 VVS: P-39N field mod (no wing guns), P-39Q-30, plus new antenna/kiel
- P-40: A combination of every possible P-40 I could find, in essence the v3 of P-40F/L/N put together plus the soviet P-40s (that means having a P-40K too!) and P-40 recco. Sorry guys but the Kittybomber crushes in 4.101.
- MC 200 Additions pack : plus a flyable early Mc 202. It's just a classfile!
- SKINMOD - A lot of planes are still left without a new, high res skin, so I have to do what I have to do....
- Bf 109 light : After a lot of work, this came out as a re-install of the MW 50 G-6/AS, G-10 Early, G-14 Early and of course only a classfile is needed to help G-2 find again its lost soul ....(by re-do it to 1.42 ) the downside is that the extra loadouts of the 1.3 G-2 are missing.
- Yak: Yak-1 PF, Yak-9D late, Yak-9DD. You need them, especially the Yak-1 PF, to make realistic missions...
- Fw 190 UP 2.0 : Fw 190A-8 1.65 & Fw 190A-9 1.65. Since C3 fuel was possibly even more common that B4 in the very late stages of the war, this makes a lot of sense.
- IARs: almost everything added ...a big thanks to Frankiek.
Thar is the absolute limit that everything is still stable. So I made a "DBW Pacific" to add all the extra B-25s, Ki-10s, Ki-44s etc....there was no other option.
And finally, with all these added
Scanning #DBW folder took 133 milliseconds.
Total number of modded files = 16755.
Sorting modded files list took 3,674 milliseconds.
Removing 16 Duplicates took 0,307 milliseconds.
Total files opened = 100878
Total search time consumed = 4,135 milliseconds (0,004135177936 Seconds)
Search Time per File = 40,992 nanoseconds (0,000000040992 Seconds)
Average Search Iterations required per File = 8,2