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Author Topic: DBW 1.7 Heads Up  (Read 32905 times)

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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #36 on: October 15, 2011, 07:20:41 PM »

Thanx Cirx, I can't wait for the new version with pared down plane lists, I have have had to make 3 different #DBW# packs just to test and look at some of the new stuff that comes out all the time, otherwise the game doesn't start for the plane sets I like for Campaigns.  I can honestly say I probably don't use more than 2% of the available plane sets that are available on DBW.  So shrinking it and making it stable is welcome news indeed. 



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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #37 on: October 15, 2011, 07:47:59 PM »

G'day CirX,

You guys at SAS have make this game so cool and outstanding to play I am willing to go along with whatever u develop.

Your track record speaks for itself, lead on Jedi Master ;D



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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #38 on: October 15, 2011, 08:26:43 PM »

Thanks for your persistent and hard work CirX and SAS team, DBW is really fun to fly and I look forward to future versions.    :)



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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #39 on: October 15, 2011, 08:42:08 PM »

I appreciate all the thought and care you put into this Cirx!

Thanks much! ;)


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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #40 on: October 16, 2011, 02:12:09 AM »

Thank you CirX for your answer. Indeed it was complete and very convincing and you covered all my questions. I want to clarify only one point.

As I understood, the first priority is to eliminate all the duplicate planes, so same planes with different FMs & loadouts. So some "stock" will not be stock anymore, right? My mind thinks of the DZZ mods. (I tried TBM-3 and Su-2 yesterday and definetely were not in their original FMs. I am happy about it.)


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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #41 on: October 16, 2011, 02:21:57 AM »

yes, where there is a stock and a mod plane that basically covers the same plane (Because in the past stock planes were not allowed to be touched), we will not merge, usualy to the favour of the modded slot, which will usualy have a more developed loadout list, 3d, and FM.

This will all be based off slots currently in DBW 1.6, but that does not exclude that at a later stage some realistic loadouts could be expanded and added to some planes (since that is allowed in our offline version), including some off the cool DZZ arrangements.


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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #42 on: October 16, 2011, 03:57:47 AM »

Thank you again. Since my last post the only thing I was doing was trying to test the "duplicate" planes. I tried to play some quick missions, trying to find out how they fly, I didn't do performance tests. So here are my findings:

Fw 190s - They have the revised FMs.

N1K2J - It seems revised but it's a plane that I absolutely hate, so I rarely ever "flew", therefore I am not 100% sure.

Bf 109F-2 - New loadouts but "stock" performance.

EDIT: The revised F-2 has a BOOSTed DB 601. I don't know how historical it is.

J2Ms - They are stock.

EDIT: I was wrong, J2M are the revised ones.

F6F - Unable to identify but more likely they are stock.

Ju 87 - Revised.

Yak-9U - stock.

(If you think that this post should be moved to the FMs topic please do so.)

Suggestion for the DBW 1.7: Include the rear gunner in the IL-2 Field Mod. and the DZZ loadout for the IL-2I & IL-2T.


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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #43 on: October 16, 2011, 08:21:38 AM »

Hi Fanatic Modder, I hope I can shed some light on some of your questions.

We disgarded, FOR THE TIME BEING, the route of seperating the Jetwar section from the WW2 section. We could split off the 1916 section because it was completely new and removed. But the jetwar is extremely integrated with the ww2 stuff, and vice verca, in terms not only of dependant classes, but also objects, maps, weapons, ect ect, each has its own level of interdependant or related or even just referenced classes. The result is that to split the game down that route would be akin to a large extent, to starting everything from scratch (that is, everything, as, from the root mods up the pack structure out the top.)

In addition, simply loading a different air ini does not adress the problem we are having (this "wall" that systems run into when the amount of cross referenced java class files exceed the capacity of JDK 1.3 withing the capabilities of the host system). Because, most of the interdependant classes will still load, if they are referenced from anywhere, not only via the air.ini.

So, the route we are taking, and that has been discussed at lenght by the pack makers and by the most campaign and mission makers, and also in a thread in the campaigns board of DBW, is, to investigate the total list of air ini entries we currently have, and look for the following:.....

Sounds like a great approach! So hopefully you will dump the Lerche!



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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #44 on: October 16, 2011, 09:19:38 AM »


Thank you for a very complete explanation of the path forward for DBW and the reasons behind that plan.

As you have said:

"In the end, it comes down to that there were two schools. One said, we want to have everything and anything at all, even if it is crap. The other said, lets just have the best and required, and leave the rest up to the individual player."

Because our previous way of modding the game is limiting how much further we can go, I solidly support the '2nd school' approach as you have stated it above. Specifically, I agree that DBW's potential would be best maximized with the emphasis place on building a collection of unique new aircraft, as oppose to many minimal variations of a few. As was the case before DBW, the '2nd school' approach will also provide players with the option of adding mods that aren't normally included. So, for those players who want a wide range of variations for certain aircraft, they will have to option of including such mods in their custom installation of DBW. I think this way most players, if not all, will be satisfied. For me, this is all welcomed news.

As I have said before, I am enjoying DBW 1.6 very much and look forward to 1.7 when it's time comes. Also, I want to express my thanks to you, and all others involved, for the time and effort being put into making DBW a great place to play :). You have my trust.





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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #45 on: October 17, 2011, 02:34:13 AM »

yes, where there is a stock and a mod plane that basically covers the same plane (Because in the past stock planes were not allowed to be touched), we will not merge, usualy to the favour of the modded slot, which will usualy have a more developed loadout list, 3d, and FM.

This will all be based off slots currently in DBW 1.6, but that does not exclude that at a later stage some realistic loadouts could be expanded and added to some planes (since that is allowed in our offline version), including some off the cool DZZ arrangements.

cheers guys :)

Just one correction, to my horror I read my above, and I wrote "yes, where there is a stock and a mod plane that basically covers the same plane (Because in the past stock planes were not allowed to be touched), we will not merge,"

This is a spelling mistake! ???. I mean, " we will NOW merge"



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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #46 on: October 17, 2011, 02:57:17 AM »

a fine example of how one tiny little typo can change the entire meaning of a sentence :D
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #47 on: October 22, 2011, 07:45:46 AM »

yes, where there is a stock and a mod plane that basically covers the same plane (Because in the past stock planes were not allowed to be touched), we will not merge, usualy to the favour of the modded slot, which will usualy have a more developed loadout list, 3d, and FM.

This will all be based off slots currently in DBW 1.6, but that does not exclude that at a later stage some realistic loadouts could be expanded and added to some planes (since that is allowed in our offline version), including some off the cool DZZ arrangements.

cheers guys :)

Just one correction, to my horror I read my above, and I wrote "yes, where there is a stock and a mod plane that basically covers the same plane (Because in the past stock planes were not allowed to be touched), we will not merge,"

This is a spelling mistake! ???. I mean, " we will NOW merge"

This is my request for DBW 1.7.  DZZ mods are much needed and unfortunately, adding all of them pushes the current installation to its limits, so I had to leave them aside.

The list includes :

IL-2I/T, field mod. with playable gunner.

Fw 190D-9/9 Late

Ki-43, all of them basically.


Other mistakes?/bugs I found:

In Hurricane "sansguns" configuration/loadout, the guns are still visible in the 3D model. I still get the impression that in FM the guns are still there.

There is a bug with the Gun/Gunner with He 111H-21. Please check this out. It's really ungly.

Suggestion, minor but nice in my opinion: In the forgotten countries mod, change the names of the countries with the names of the arms.

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