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Author Topic: DBW 1.7 Heads Up  (Read 32932 times)

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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #48 on: November 01, 2011, 03:51:15 PM »

Can I make a question?
I don't know if in the DBW 1.7 is there space for maps, but I wonder if you're thinking about including the two wonderful new maps:
WESTFRONT40 https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,18776.0.html
WESTFRONT44 https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,15457.0.html
There are some very good campaigns that need updating.
Thanks  :)
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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #49 on: November 02, 2011, 01:45:56 AM »

Can I make a question?
I don't know if in the DBW 1.7 is there space for maps, but I wonder if you're thinking about including the two wonderful new maps:
WESTFRONT40 https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,18776.0.html
WESTFRONT44 https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,15457.0.html
There are some very good campaigns that need updating.
Thanks  :)

You're halfway there already, as the Westfront44  maps (summer and winter) are already included in DBW 1.6. If you've kept the map names as they appear in default DBW 1.6, then these 2 maps will appear under the names

Western Front Summer '44
Western Front Winter '44



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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #50 on: November 02, 2011, 02:14:41 AM »

Great! I thought there were brand new!  :)
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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #51 on: November 02, 2011, 02:20:09 AM »

The WestFront 40 uses the same landscape and textures and all that, but I believe the main difference is in the actors file, or the populating of the map. By 1944 there were more airfields and certainly more airfields with tarmac or concrete runways.

So the 1940 version has less of these airfields.

So depending upon what you like to do in a mission, the difference is either negligible or important.


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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #52 on: November 05, 2011, 05:38:10 AM »

Day by day by trying different planes and experiencing different missions I think that UP 3.0 is almost perfect and in the final DBW version has the extra flavour to make it fantastic. There is a lot of attention to the detail in the loadout, the 3D fixes, the maps etc. and every day seems a new discovery! I cannot think of anything that I didn't like and thank God that in DBW there is a non-track IR option!

For me your only priority now should be to make it able to add more stuff without crushing. Don't waste a day of effort for 4.11. Just focus on re-working the limitations of the game engine and then include mods that are already here. It's important that we will not have any competition between modders of what will be added in the next UP/DBW release. The friendly enviroment that is held within SAS (and UP) must be maintained. It's also important because mission/campaign builders avoid working for 'stand alone' downloads. By doing this IL-2 may have another 3-4 years of life.

I am happy with the new buttons. That means the IL-2 field mod. with the playable gunner will be included in the next release.  The story with the rear gunners in the IL-2 it's something that I was always amazed. Flying in the russian winter, under -30C in the frozen air, totally exposed, with no armour, no communication with the pilot and then surviving all this....


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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #53 on: November 08, 2011, 08:53:23 PM »

I have a request regarding the Bf-109.
I know it is historically accurate to limit the Bf-109G-2 to 1.3 ata, however since the AI has problems with the 109 guns the plane already performs not as good as it should. For example 8 ace Bf-109G-2 (or even G-1 with the full engine) are more likely to lose against 8 ace P-40E then they are to win, even when it should be the other way around as the 109 is the better plane.

So since you are removing some of the 109 and possibly the G-1 that so far could replace the G-2, could you restore the G-2 to full engine power so the AI isn't so far inferior in a plane that should be superior. Further i ask you to consider that the lowered engine power is a much worse restriction in game than it was in real life because in game we don't take engine damage if we run our engines at high speed for too long as we would in real life wich leads to the fact that everybody (player and AI) actually runs the engine at very high to full power most of the time.

Also even thou the manual says so i don't believe it is really historically accurate that all the engines had a hard block like that.


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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #54 on: November 09, 2011, 12:40:03 AM »

I do not believe that there is talk of removing some bf-109's from the game, but rather, since there are now 44 109's in standard DBW 1.6, that the number of standard installed 109's (and other planes that have numerous variants) will be reduced to a more balanced level compared to other planes. Those missing from what is now the standard install, would then be available as separate install packs, to be installed at each player's discretion and taste. Meaning that for those who wish, no 109 will be missing if they install the extra packs.

This will be most welcome as it frees up slots which can be used to install new planes as they are completed by modders. I will eagerly trade 30 bf-109 variants for the ability to add 15 totally new models of completely different aircraft ...


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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #55 on: November 09, 2011, 12:58:09 AM »

I do not believe that there is talk of removing some bf-109's from the game, but rather, since there are now 44 109's in standard DBW 1.6, that the number of standard installed 109's (and other planes that have numerous variants) will be reduced to a more balanced level compared to other planes. Those missing from what is now the standard install, would then be available as separate install packs, to be installed at each player's discretion and taste. Meaning that for those who wish, no 109 will be missing if they install the extra packs.

This will be most welcome as it frees up slots which can be used to install new planes as they are completed by modders. I will eagerly trade 30 bf-109 variants for the ability to add 15 totally new models of completely different aircraft ...

Such a good posting need my +1  8)


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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #56 on: November 09, 2011, 01:51:41 AM »

I do not believe that there is talk of removing some bf-109's from the game, but rather, since there are now 44 109's in standard DBW 1.6, that the number of standard installed 109's (and other planes that have numerous variants) will be reduced to a more balanced level compared to other planes. Those missing from what is now the standard install, would then be available as separate install packs, to be installed at each player's discretion and taste. Meaning that for those who wish, no 109 will be missing if they install the extra packs.

This will be most welcome as it frees up slots which can be used to install new planes as they are completed by modders. I will eagerly trade 30 bf-109 variants for the ability to add 15 totally new models of completely different aircraft ...


Excellent statement on the approach - potentially not just for planes but for other elements as well


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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #57 on: November 09, 2011, 06:22:24 AM »

well the planes will be removed form the normal installation and since i also like to have a rather large selection of planes over many models of the same plane, even if it is my favorite plane, i would urge you to look really carefully at what planes stay in the standard list and also take into account that this is a game that does not represent everything as it would be in real life and that the AI has limitations.

I am posting this because i noticed that the reduced engine power of the Bf-109G-2  (I'm sure there are other examples) actually destroyed the ballance in some missions i was playing. With full engine power the 109G-2 had slight problems due to the fact that the AI has problems with the nose mounted guns (and maybe the specific bullet drop on German planes). With the engine limited to 1.3 ata the 109s would routinely lose fights against P-40s and P-39s that they should actually be winning.

If all the planes where piloted by equally skilled players the problem wouldn't be that bad but with the AI limitations this little piece of historical accuracy is actually game breaking; and since this is a mod for offline players i would really like it if all the planes in the standard list are actually up to the task of performing the role they are supposed to fill offline (AI controlled).

Also: Great job on the overall mod. This is such a big improvement over the original game that it actually fells like a new game.


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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #58 on: November 09, 2011, 12:15:15 PM »

look all this has been decided long time ago, exactly what plane gets what treatment... what gets cut, burnt and which slots get merged.
two months ago or something... the entire list was posted in the DBW mission builder forum.

hot air?


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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #59 on: November 09, 2011, 01:22:19 PM »

look all this has been decided long time ago, exactly what plane gets what treatment... what gets cut, burnt and which slots get merged.
two months ago or something... the entire list was posted in the DBW mission builder forum.

exactly my opinion
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