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Author Topic: DBW 1.7 Heads Up  (Read 32912 times)

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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #72 on: November 10, 2011, 10:28:02 AM »

So you prefer having those plane and not the new one?
The slots number are quite limited and there is no way to add more plane

No, no, non e cosi. Non c'e problema.


What is so special about a "New Slot"Nada.

It seems that the trend lately among many modders is to "re-mystefy" modding. Many obvious reasons for this, but thats not for this thread.

One of these mysterious things is the description of "New Slot Planes", and the way these get presented sometimes creates the idea that there are somehow a limited number of open slots that needs to be carefully controled.

This is rubbish. A new slot is simply another way of saying a plane has its OWN slot. And the slots are basically limitless. To "create" a new slot is simply a matter of writing the plane's main classfile and naming it anything that IS NOT in the game yet.

Other things involved in plane making is much more difficult.

For example, if the plane is a new or modified 3d model, thats a lot of work.A new flightmodel requires a bit of input as well, but usually a healthy dose of restraint and cross referencing can lighten that load a lot.

Performing tricks with classfiles can be a messy and time consuming thing. But in the end we all do it because we love it.

No mysteries required.

And all you NEED is love.


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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #73 on: November 10, 2011, 10:42:31 AM »

Since I don't know much about the technical matters having to do with modding nor anything about java, I have to take people's word about they say.

What I have experienced, and this accords what I have often heard and read here, is that above a certain number of newly added planes, the game will simply not work. It crashes ...

So, since this is what i see ... I'd really love to see it proved wrong ... but until then ...


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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #74 on: November 10, 2011, 10:47:51 AM »

Yes agracier, FANATIC MODDER misunderstood my word, I'm talk about game limit, please read carefully the first post of this thread


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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #75 on: November 10, 2011, 11:28:10 AM »

Here is the list of all mods I added above DBW 1.6. The conclusion is that the when is cursed crash is going to come does not depend entirely on the number of planes but has to do a lot with the duplicates that they may create and how much is loaded (3D files, hier etc.). I 've seen that when I add a plane that just requires en extra classfile, the taken space is limited.

So to explain a bit :

- New pilots : A comprehesive pack of all of wolfighter pilot mods.

- Bender's Gunfire : A newer version of lower resolution, my own creation, helps a lot FPS.

- A-20 : A comprehesive pack of late A-20s together.

- B-26

- Fw 190D-9 Early

- Hurricane Pack sea: My own extraction of Sea Hurricane Mk. II, supposely only for 4.09. Absolutely trouble-free. -

- P-24 : All P.24s. Try them agaist the various FIATs, their dogfights are epic!

- Spitfire Mk VIII : LF and HF versions, a sum of 4 planes, the best spitfires you can find everywhere.  I corrected the tail of the HF with the bigger rudder.

- Spitfire Mk Vc Late : All the late 1942/Early 1943 produced Spit Mk Vcs that are available as a seperate mod.

- Wellinghton Mk. III : Supposely only 4.09, no problems.

- P-3bis serial : Karabas barabas mod I think

- P-39 VVS: P-39N field mod (no wing guns), P-39Q-30, plus new antenna/kiel

- P-40: A combination of every possible P-40 I could find, in essence the v3 of P-40F/L/N put together plus the soviet P-40s (that means having a P-40K too!) and P-40 recco. Sorry guys but the Kittybomber crushes in 4.101.

- MC 200 Additions pack : plus a flyable early Mc 202. It's just a classfile!

- SKINMOD - A lot of planes are still left without a new, high res skin, so I have to do what I have to do....

- Bf 109 light : After a lot of work, this came out as a re-install of the MW 50 G-6/AS, G-10 Early, G-14 Early and of course only a classfile is needed to help G-2 find again its lost soul ....(by re-do it to 1.42 ) the downside is that the extra loadouts of the 1.3 G-2 are missing.

- Yak: Yak-1 PF, Yak-9D late, Yak-9DD. You need them, especially the Yak-1 PF, to make realistic missions...

- Fw 190 UP 2.0 : Fw 190A-8 1.65 & Fw 190A-9 1.65. Since C3 fuel was possibly even more common that B4 in the very late stages of the war, this makes a lot of sense.

- IARs: almost everything added ...a  big thanks to Frankiek.

Thar is the absolute limit that everything is still stable. So I made a "DBW Pacific" to add all the extra B-25s, Ki-10s, Ki-44s etc....there was no other option.

And finally, with all these added

Scanning #DBW folder took 133 milliseconds.
Total number of modded files = 16755.
Sorting modded files list took 3,674 milliseconds.
Removing 16 Duplicates took 0,307 milliseconds.
Total files opened = 100878
Total search time consumed = 4,135 milliseconds (0,004135177936 Seconds)
Search Time per File = 40,992 nanoseconds (0,000000040992 Seconds)
Average Search Iterations required per File = 8,2



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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #76 on: November 11, 2011, 07:24:49 AM »

For the rest, believe me, there are a LOT of planes coming... you really need consider make some space.

An open eyes dream inside your words mate.....


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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #77 on: November 11, 2011, 12:37:00 PM »

Yes the temptation to d/l and install all the new and old slots or modded planes is a mf'er, I guess the "be patient" category falls upon us to want and have all is a no shit, got to wait and see category. Or have fun with your sudden Desktop intermission flights.
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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #78 on: November 11, 2011, 07:19:59 PM »

In UP3.0 i miss much the F4U-1 mod (a birdcage corsair with a navy reticle, grayblue default skin and white star/round darkblue roundel directly painted on the skin when selecting any US entity (USAAF, USN, USMC, garyblue skin without roundel for other countries).

It did exist in UP2.01 and i created a campaign using it, i miss it  :(

nb: in UP2.01, it had default game roundels overlapping skin's roundels, while i think i remember the original mod used painted roundels.

I really hope there are not too many planes removed just to make room for new ones, and looking forward to UP3.1/DBW versions, thanks a  lot to all involved  :) :) :)


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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #79 on: November 12, 2011, 04:46:35 AM »

I wonder what can be deleted among them. Why destroy something that is almost perfect?

I stop you on the "deleted" and "destroy" words... very few things will really disappear. The idea is to put out the same variety of planes with LESS classfile waste... in particular with less slot-waste.

Remember when tropical emils were in their own slot and suddenly "disappeared"? well people slowly realized that trop emils were  not removed, they were still there, but as a "map-triggered" variant ;)

Same for most variants that will get merged: no real removal, but efficiently re-located as a loadout selection, for instance. Most will be kept... although one or 2 FMs will no longer be used.

But as agracier says, even in case you want everything as before, you can easily have it by reinstalling the unmerged 109 pack.

For the rest, believe me, there are a LOT of planes coming... you really need consider make some space.

My worries are not for the merged, but for the ones that clearly are out. I am talking about the 'optional add-ons', as we are informed here:

In UP3.0 i miss much the F4U-1 mod (a birdcage corsair with a navy reticle, grayblue default skin and white star/round darkblue roundel directly painted on the skin when selecting any US entity (USAAF, USN, USMC, garyblue skin without roundel for other countries).

It did exist in UP2.01 and i created a campaign using it, i miss it

Yes, I was annoyed too, I 've made some missions on my own regarding its operational debut. The least I could do was to add in the SKINMOD the TGAs of F4U-1(Multi) for the desert maps. Unfortunately, there's no CorsairMKI(us). If they do the trick, for me this would be adequate enough.


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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #80 on: November 12, 2011, 06:02:12 AM »

HEY...Are you looking for this Birdcage? 8)

this is great news Maurice! good project. go man go!!!

Thank you, Piet! Too bad I am not a 3d guy to give them a proper treatment.

Very good ! Muas Birdcage Corsair does not work with my 4.101... hope you can solve this problem !

After correcting the java on the Paintscheme class that comes with it, seems to work flawlessly (but we have to test).

Beautifull aircraft!

Please, have fun testing ;)

F4U-1muas           air.F4U1cage 1                                   usa01 DESERT




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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #81 on: November 12, 2011, 08:04:35 AM »

Well I belive it is very wise for people not to upgrade if the cutbacks isnt in favor for you. All these conserns has been going thru.
It is simply not space, And fanatic you can not insist the evolution of a pack is only going in your favor. Almost everybody never use all 109's FW's and spit's.
You have to deal with the fact that a limit are reach. It can happend that IL2 in future go for a split as 1916, 1938, WWII, Korea, Vietnam.
I suggest you make yourself two IL2 directory one for DBW 1,6 and one fully patched.

When 411 coming I go for 1 DBW and 1 411 and one Modact install


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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #82 on: November 12, 2011, 08:44:48 AM »

Yup, this one HG, i hope it can make it back into the game.

If there is an absolute necessity for cuts, i'd make it 1916 solo, 1933/1940, 1938/1945, 1943/1955 and 1945/2020, with strong overlappings because very early ww2 aircraft were used until late in war, HS123 being an example.

No i hope there's a breakthrough that allows no limit, i'm an optimistic  :P


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Re: DBW 1.7 Heads Up
« Reply #83 on: November 12, 2011, 09:10:17 AM »

I've already installed in DBW...this is 410.1 compatible.

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