14, a wonderfull Age, breaking young girls hearts, or the opposite: getting slapped full 3l czech Coke bottles in the eggs by dissapointed fat girls in a youth camp in Rokycany or dying on your first cigarrette, "c'mon to the lungs". That 2nd incident was painfull, breath-taking full of shiny stars, a driving moment for me to watch more carefully after the other species.
The meaning of my Nick:
The inventor of this word was a dear friend of mine, the father of my goddaughter.
Knochenlutscher in german means literally bonesucker, Here my friend used to express his thoughts upon hardcore Gothics.
Once a year our local area in Eastern-Germany gets invaded by them, on their International known Festival.
This word remembers me when we used to hang up together and had some good time.
My Skinning related alter ego Segfej comes from a very rude word in hungarian "seggfej", out of aesthetical reasons I deleted one g. I would get banned for translating this, you must use this link to get a clue what it means, I don't wanna have trouble.
http://www.eudict.com/?word=seggfej&go=Search&lang=hunengThe reason why I chose this as my Nick for Skinning related issues, it was the very first word I got thaught in hungarian.
A high educated Veterinary befriended to my hungarian Familly always wanted me to speak fine hungarian and never learn these rude words, he himself spoke multiple languages and never met such rudeness or how he called it primitiveness.
When I met him I took up the noblest Hungarian, but in school you needed to build up some support or I would not stay here today.