Some 12 years ago my classic nickname was "nonno"or "nonno83" (italian for grandfather, and my year of birth) because my behaviour was a bit mature (maybe too much) for my classmates so they were joking a lot over this.
i found it rather amusing and quicly become my all-around nickname (my mail is still "nonnogiaco" from Giacometti, my surname) and was my first nick for IL2 world, and for my too short experence with I/JG53 7 years ago.
having left the community for like 5 years because of personal problems, with my return i became A1_Phoenix.
A1 stand for "Andy-One", as one of my friend called me, as another friend named Andrea was "Andy-Two".
Phoenix from the mythological bird, symbol of resurrection after a very long period of sorrow after a breakup and consequent brain onanism (don't know if in english there is a equivalent for italian "seghe mentali" heheh) caused by a girl not so good for me
Also, in my Rise of Flight experience i become =CAI= Aronne after =CAI= CO Gladio (from Corpo Aeronautico Italiano who include almost all italian users of ROF) joked that i was in reality Aronne Piperno, the cabinet maker from the movie "Il marchese del Grillo".
for IL2 i'll remain A1_Phoenix, too much work is required to change nick for my skin department (if someday i can finally be back at Photoshop, siggh..)
On a sidenote, my avatar image is from my old times of Microprose's Grand Prix 2, was the menu helmet of my pilot Karl Maximilian von Wolfschager. aaah, those were the days..
well, i guess an avatar change is mandatory, for me..
Goodbye Marco, and godspeed..