It involved leaving a tap open, which flooded a whole top floor of a Sgts Mess, which then soaked into the light switches below, where a Dutch Marine was sleeping, who woke up in the dark wondering what the dripping sound was, threw the light switch and electrocuted himself, followed by a very drunken clean up operation, and an ambulance, then a quick run ashore, followed by a mate managing to drive his car into the same mess bar avoiding the totally unnecessary option (in my humble view) of opening the doors first, thereby demolishing the foyer, the awards cabinet and parts of the bar.
All this on my first day in the unit, my remaining time in this unit was somewhat less exciting ... apart from a small colonial war and some dodgy "police actions".
PS: The Dutch Marine survived, (we are still mates) and so did the bar optics, thank f*ck !!
The name stuck forever more, no idea why ...