Do you think it is supposed to work with Nvidia? I just can't feel any difference. I mean I see this slight shaking but the effect is not noticeable with the goggles. Although I can see pure 3D when I use goggles with the images in this post.
What do you think could go wrong? Do I have to activate any 6DOF MOD? Is it enough if I just copy the 3D folder in my #DBW folder? It seems that something is missing in my setup...((
Update: I got it working in a very strange manner - the only place I got a 3D image is the rear view mirror of my P-38. Everything else around is just a little bit shaky but no 3D effect is noticeable. How's that possible?
I don't think it could have a relationship with your video card. A couple of questions:
-Is your game in the typical recommended configuration of Render with OpenGL? If you have DirectX you will perceive the shaking but not the 3D, that's correct. If so change it to OpenGl to see how this works.
-What's your fps rate?
-Another thing that could be a problem: Are your googles red / cyan? If the red is not to the left you will not see any stereo effect. If they are red / blue, instead of red / cyan, the colors and the stereo perception will be affected. So, the googles you use are important too.
-One last thing: perhaps you need to increase a little the brightness of your monitor, because the image itself becomes a little darkened by the glasses.
Hi Pablo and thks! Have to find such things then...
Any reported problem with widescreen? Supposedly your mod should load before as per 6DOF trackir
This is a 6DOF MOD itself. It is my Handshaking one with normal mouse, so load it before any 6DOF MOD. I think that it will not work with TrackIR, but I don't use any, so I cannot confirm that. Please if you try it let us know.