Ok, I discovered a bit of a problem here.
Basically, the convergence option works excellently - as long as the viewpoints are horizontally aligned. When they have a bank angle, the convergence is still relative to horizon rather than the view direction, and that means that left and right image appear vertically stacked on the screen. This makes it very difficult - almost impossible - to align the images. The difference between vertical distance of the images is increased with high convergence values, naturally.
What is needed here is some way to make sure the convergence always works relative to the viewing plane (determined by the two eyes), not relative to the game world horizon... Basically, some sort of vector transformation will be required to keep things synched.
This may be easier said than done. ???
(yeah the convergence is inverted on the last two pairs compared to the first one, but I was kind of in a rush to make that picture, and I think the problem should be clear from it anyway.)
I think, what is required, is to look at the roll value of the view point in-game (probably combined with the roll modifier from TrackIR data), and apply that bank angle value to the converged left and right view vectors. Technically, I
think that should keep them tilted always in the viewing plane, but I don't know if the game offers the bank angle to be freely read by mods. I dearly hope so, though.
For example, if the game's own view vector has a roll value of let's say 80 degrees (tilted to the left), but TrackIR data modifies that by -40 degrees, the combined bank angle of the view point is +40 degrees from level, and the view vectors of each eye need to have that same roll value.
I am, of course, assuming here that IL-2 vectors are handled in a somewhat sane pitch/yaw/bank value scheme...