I will try
(donot use UP)..correct me guys and gals if I mess up, I just want to help the fella, I don't use this mod ATM
. I admit the description sucks.
I leave out the custom lights mod here and focus on the plane:
It should be very simple:
Download the folders shown on page 1.
Unzip them to any place on your harddrive you like.
Be sure to have your UP 3 version of the game activated via JSGME!
In your install, find your "
#UP#" named folder.
In your "
L-39C_V4" named folder...take the "L-39 Sounds" and the "L-39C" named folders and put those into your #UP'# named folder.
That was step one.
Now to the patch:
Open "
L-39C_Patch_4.2" ..take the "L-39C" folder in it and copy it into .."IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\
#UP#". if asked to overwrite click "yes to all".
Then take the "L-39C_Patch_4.2" "PaintShemes" folder and copy and paste it into your main IL-2 1946 install, if asked to overwrite, say "yes to all".
Or, simply..take the "\L-39C_Patch_4.2\PaintSchemes\Skins\
Pilots" folder and put that into your "\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\PaintSchemes" folder, allow to overwrite with "yes to all" if asked.
There is only one pilot skin file here which needs to be placed into the ".. whatever name you chose
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\PaintSchemes\Pilots" folder.
Now you still need the air.ini entry.
You must have a folder named "STD" in the main installs "IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\
#UP#" folder.
Now go there, open in this way...."IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\
In that #UP#\STD\com\maddox\il2\
objects-folder, open the air.ini.-...
Take the line
L-39C air.L39C 1 r01 SUMMER
And copy it into your air.ini..for that you need to have opened the air.ini with notepad or simply double click on it.
E.g. copy and paste the above line below
FJ3M_Fury air.FJ_3M 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER you will have it directly below another jet set.
Finally, take the (from first page) "000_DiffFm_UP3.0RC" folder. Open it...(it is doubled setup), take "000_DiffFm_UP3.0RC" in it (yes, same name
)...and put it into your main IL-2 1946 install's:
"jsgmemods" folder.
Activate with "JSGME.exe".
It may be better to simply put it into "IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\#UP#"..but I would try the first method first.
You know you screwed up if the game won't load or crashes at 60% e.g.
Good Luck, argh, that was a long time typing.