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Author Topic: USS Essex Early Angled Deck mod(Need help)  (Read 65651 times)

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Re: USS Essex Early Angled Deck mod(Need help)
« Reply #24 on: December 01, 2011, 11:30:32 PM »

This is really exciting news!

By the way, whose Yorktown model is the island from? (and why haven't they released it?  :P )


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Re: USS Essex Early Angled Deck mod(Need help)
« Reply #25 on: December 02, 2011, 03:37:31 AM »

S! guys

One update
Added the little antenas on the side of the bridge +
made the bow sorter to appear bellow deck as it seems Boyan was right and the deck in SCB-125 was actually as he posted in his photo.

So thanks for that you're getting a thanks in final release

Since I can't find the one who made Yorktown am I clear to use Essex CV9 repaint bridge from ship pack 2?
Of course all the guys get mentioned in release

this is final update till Monday cause in the meantime we have our squad's campaign and I got to fly gents, enjoy:

Btw I'm going to remove meatballs cause they don't appear right



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Re: USS Essex Early Angled Deck mod(Need help)
« Reply #26 on: December 02, 2011, 04:06:06 AM »

Hi, could wr have a screensoht of arretor wires, I can't see them.

Are they put with an angle?


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Re: USS Essex Early Angled Deck mod(Need help)
« Reply #27 on: December 02, 2011, 04:11:35 AM »

You bet they're put in angle yes

If you go to 1st pages you can get a glimpse of them.


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Re: USS Essex Early Angled Deck mod(Need help)
« Reply #28 on: December 02, 2011, 04:15:51 AM »

Nice work.


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Re: USS Essex Early Angled Deck mod(Need help)
« Reply #29 on: December 02, 2011, 05:46:04 AM »

She's a beauty. It's amazing to me that despite my apathy toward post Korea jets, I'm actually looking forward to putting an F-8 down on that baby. (If that's historically accurate of course)  :P


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Re: USS Essex Early Angled Deck mod(Need help)
« Reply #30 on: December 02, 2011, 08:18:13 AM »

Superb, the dimensions look right from above, compared to some images of the real thing, and if it looks right ... it is right.

Nice work mate. Lets have more than one slot so we can skin them up for the whole set.

Try not to get killed over the weekend, enjoy the fight.


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Re: USS Essex Early Angled Deck mod(Need help)
« Reply #31 on: December 02, 2011, 09:31:08 AM »

Just one question: Are you going to make aircraft spawn points off the landing deck? Bc the whole purpose of angle deck was and is to make landing possible when planes are on deck. If they were off runway it would be possible to e.g. add 0 fuel planes on deck so it would be less empty while having it still operational (at least for landing planes and player). Would it be possible? There is quite much of place for them between landing deck and catapults, so I guess it can be done, can't it?


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Re: USS Essex Early Angled Deck mod(Need help)
« Reply #32 on: December 02, 2011, 09:40:49 AM »

Just one question: Are you going to make aircraft spawn points off the landing deck? Bc the whole purpose of angle deck was and is to make landing possible when planes are on deck. If they were off runway it would be possible to e.g. add 0 fuel planes on deck so it would be less empty while having it still operational (at least for landing planes and player). Would it be possible? There is quite much of place for them between landing deck and catapults, so I guess it can be done, can't it?

Don't forget "this is only Essex class, instead of SCB-125 modernized".
Not Midway class, Forrestal class, Kitty Hawk class, they are called "Super Carrier".

Now I count the place size with F9F size at #25 picture.... when avoiding landing way... only 3 or 4 aircrafts can spawn.
In historical, Essex class after SCB-125, aircrafts waiting take-off on deck were crowding a rear half of the deck.


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Re: USS Essex Early Angled Deck mod(Need help)
« Reply #33 on: December 02, 2011, 10:02:57 AM »

Also take the area between the landing deck and the bridge and behind the bridge into acount - 4 Panthers in first row, 3-2 behind them, 2-1 behind, then 2-1, then 3-2. Also 2 planes can be spawned on catapults or in front of them (the one on left catapult would have to take off first, and the on ner left would have to be a bit off to give that one place). That gives you 12-16 planes (wings folded of course). Once these positions are full planes would start to spawn at landing deck, but not earlier. On landing deck you would spawn another 16.

Of course these maths may be shit, but still, you can make it using all free space before filling landing deck.


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Re: USS Essex Early Angled Deck mod(Need help)
« Reply #34 on: December 02, 2011, 10:11:56 AM »

Just one question: Are you going to make aircraft spawn points off the landing deck? Bc the whole purpose of angle deck was and is to make landing possible when planes are on deck. If they were off runway it would be possible to e.g. add 0 fuel planes on deck so it would be less empty while having it still operational (at least for landing planes and player). Would it be possible? There is quite much of place for them between landing deck and catapults, so I guess it can be done, can't it?

Don't forget "this is only Essex class, instead of SCB-125 modernized".
Not Midway class, Forrestal class, Kitty Hawk class, they are called "Super Carrier".

Now I count the place size with F9F size at #25 picture.... when avoiding landing way... only 3 or 4 aircrafts can spawn.
In historical, Essex class after SCB-125, aircrafts waiting take-off on deck were crowding a rear half of the deck.

Correct. Even modern super carriers have "events" approx 90 minutes apart. The 'launch' cycle first, followed by the recovery, so that approx 20% of embarked airwing (or more) is airborne. The problem comes with the last recovery of the day - that's when the deck handlers really earn their pay in figuring out where to park all the planes but still leaving the landing area clear!  having got them all down, they then work thru' the night to re-spot the planes for the next day's first launch. Aircrafparked on the landing area during 'launch' sequence are either under power awaiting their turn to launch, or have towbars fitted so that in an emergency, the landing area can be cleared quick.

Love the look of this Essex Angled deck. Without reference to hand, wasn't there 2 versions, with the latter versions being slightly longer (longer = BHR, Hancock, Big 'O', Shngrla).

Landing distance; in stand alone, giving the carrier 35km speed into wind (set at 8m/s wind) makes a huge & realistic difference to "apparent" landing speeds. Not tried it with a panther yet, but puts Sea Hurricane, Swordfish etc into WWII realistic stopping distances. Different Thread, but on a 1/2 tank of fuel I get a Sea Hurricane stalling speed down to 65 KIAS, I am determined to test fly the panther tonight and work out the Panther's numbers


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Re: USS Essex Early Angled Deck mod(Need help)
« Reply #35 on: December 02, 2011, 10:41:56 AM »

Spawning on the deck so far at the moment is only possible within a marked grid... You can't have lots of grids either or one hook for each spawn point. If we could then some of these more complex spawn points would be possible, however in the current state it's not viable.
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