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Author Topic: CLEAN DBW Modding JGME Packs (RE-RELEASE!)  (Read 143973 times)

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Re: CLEAN DBW Modding JGME Packs
« Reply #24 on: December 26, 2011, 08:58:18 AM »

Thx for the GameFront recommendation Riptide.  I will look to post the next release there.


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Re: CLEAN DBW Modding JGME Packs
« Reply #25 on: December 26, 2011, 07:44:56 PM »


That's great news! I spent some time yesterday preparing a 'vanilla' version of DBW. So, I'll be ready. Thanks!




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Re: CLEAN DBW Modding JGME Packs
« Reply #26 on: December 28, 2011, 03:00:39 PM »

This works like a charm!!!!!Solved a ton of problems I was having with certain mods conflicting.Thanks ;D


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Re: CLEAN DBW Modding JGME Packs (v2)
« Reply #27 on: December 29, 2011, 01:59:53 PM »

Version 2 released!  see original post. 

Happy New Year!  :)


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Re: CLEAN DBW Modding JGME Packs (v2)
« Reply #28 on: December 29, 2011, 10:43:28 PM »

This is very useful and  helpful, great job M8. Downloaded and tied it, works.  8)Simple operation for folks. Thanks  Wingflyr.


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Re: CLEAN DBW Modding JGME Packs (v2)
« Reply #29 on: December 30, 2011, 08:52:40 AM »

This is very useful and  helpful, great job M8. Downloaded and tied it, works.  8)Simple operation for folks. Thanks  Wingflyr.

Excellent, glad to here success with v2!  Additionally, if anyone has any mod recommendations for future pack updates please post.  Note however, with these packs the game is very close to the java limit given the heavy use of statics in the static pack.  I was not able to include all of SAS~Epervier's new stationary objects as it caused the game to fail (though I could load game and see all objects in FMB, when I tried to run a flight, the game either crashed on mission load, or on mission exit.)

One new mod I am looking at adding is Pablo's Stereo 3D mod (v5 Final).  This would be added as a new pack supporting 3D. 

Additionally, Fanatic Modder has a really good idea to decompose the Aircraft packs to shave down game load.  Basically, take vanilla DBW 1.6 planeset and create jgme packs which group/trim plane choices based upon when a user wishes to fly.  For example if you are active in a PTO Lonestar DCG campaign, then perhaps only load a PTO WWII planeset which would free up allocation for things such as static object additions.  Interested in flying Korea, then load pack(s) specific to content of that era.

All in all, with JGME and creative use of packaging, we can really enhance the game while skirting any limitations caused by the game engine.


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Re: CLEAN DBW Modding JGME Packs (v2)
« Reply #30 on: December 30, 2011, 02:00:12 PM »

   Just something I have noticed on "MY" setup.  I could be wrong but I believe that this excellent MOD pack contains the version of Plutonium Universial Max Effects that requires the "DBW with AI Mod" installed.  When I try to run the V2 Mod Pack without the "AI MOD" my game freezes at the opening carrier screen.   :'(   If I install the "AI MOD" first, it works fine.

   If you check out the first message on this page, https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=19849.0, there is a version of the Plutonium program that does not require the "AI Mod" to be installed.  I downloaded that version, placed it in the "#DBW_MOD_Effects" folder of this V2 MOD Pack in place of the one that was there, and everything worked great.  ;D

   Of course, if you want to use the "AI MOD" you don't have to do anything  ;)  Thanks for your efforts windweapon, much appreciated!


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Re: CLEAN DBW Modding JGME Packs (v2)
« Reply #31 on: December 30, 2011, 03:16:07 PM »

   Just something I have noticed on "MY" setup.  I could be wrong but I believe that this excellent MOD pack contains the version of Plutonium Universial Max Effects that requires the "DBW with AI Mod" installed.  When I try to run the V2 Mod Pack without the "AI MOD" my game freezes at the opening carrier screen.   :'(   If I install the "AI MOD" first, it works fine.

   If you check out the first message on this page, https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=19849.0, there is a version of the Plutonium program that does not require the "AI Mod" to be installed.  I downloaded that version, placed it in the "#DBW_MOD_Effects" folder of this V2 MOD Pack in place of the one that was there, and everything worked great.  ;D

   Of course, if you want to use the "AI MOD" you don't have to do anything  ;)  Thanks for your efforts windweapon, much appreciated!

Good find!   :) 

Yes, as noted in the screen shot of the JGME setup in initial post, you will notice the DBW 1.6 "standards" I have enabled.  If something is disabled, such as AI Mod, there may be issues.  Though as found here, I believe there is only this case.

Additionally as noted, if you wish to not use AI Mod, you can simply edit the pack to your requirements and will be good to go!  No need to touch your vanilla DBW install.   :)


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Re: CLEAN DBW Modding JGME Packs (v2)
« Reply #32 on: December 30, 2011, 08:14:27 PM »

Good find!   :) 

Yes, as noted in the screen shot of the JGME setup in initial post, you will notice the DBW 1.6 "standards" I have enabled.  If something is disabled, such as AI Mod, there may be issues.  Though as found here, I believe there is only this case.

Well that's not fair.  I didn't know I had to read first  (LOL)  :P

Seriously, I didn't notice that you had that MOD enabled but now I see that it is there.

The only other problem I have noticed (and it doesn't appear to have anything to do with you) is in the Carrier Crew V5 Mod there is a problem with the CVL23 Princeton.  I have recently created a mission that uses several carriers.  All seem fine except during testing when I press "Shift+F2" to cycle through the friendly units and get to the Princeton, it's basically a black screen rather than a static camera type view of the carrier.  I switched a file from one of the other carriers until I found the culprit.  It's a file called "sailor1.msh".  I have no idea why but swapping it with the same named file from another escort type carrier eliminates the problem.  I am going to see if I can find the author and if he has posted anything concerning this problem.



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Re: CLEAN DBW Modding JGME Packs (v2)
« Reply #33 on: January 01, 2012, 06:02:53 AM »


First of all, I want to wish you and your family a very happy new year!

Secondly, thank you very much for using Gamefront as the download source for your mod.

I installed your mod yesterday but spent a little time with it before posting here. In my opinion, your mod is brilliant and well worth the "gardening" as you put it to keep it up to date.

I've tinkered with it a little. I included the L-39C and L-139A_159A in the #DBW_MOD_Aircraft directory. I did find that when I added skins for the F4U-4B in the ... \jsgmemods\#DBW_MOD_Aircraft\DBW\Paintschemes\skins\F4U-4B directory, those skins were not available in the game. So, I moved the \F4U-4B directory to \IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\Paintschemes\skins\. When I got back into the game, I found that the F4U-4B skins were available.

I added a map to \jsgmemods\#DBW_MOD_Maps. Anyone who tries this will notice that there is no all.ini in this directory. This is so because the two maps you have in the directory are revisions of maps already included in 'vanilla' DBW. So, because I wanted something not included in DBW, I had to add that mod map's directory and a 'vanilla' DBW all.ini to the #DBW_MOD_Maps\DBW\MapMods\maps\ directory. Then, I added the 'ini' line for the new map to the all.ini and texture files the new map needs to the ... \maps\_tex\ directory.

The L-39C needs a sound and a landing light file. So, I choose to add these files to ... \#DBW_MOD_Effects\#DBW\ directory. I also added 00_PAL-Carriers to this directory. All works flawlessly!

I like the the idea of having era/theater specific jsgmemods. Instead of an era specific aircraft mod, we could have an overall era specific mod that would include aircraft, maps, objects and any supporting mods, e.g. L-39C sound mod. That way, the player could be sure that only needed planes and maps are taking up the game's resources and that no needed mod is left out.

You asked about what mods you should consider adding in the future. I would very much like to see the angled deck Essex Class carriers.

Regarding user 'gardening' of your mod, you mentioned doing "run code compares" to insure that the ini file in the jsememod is up to date with a new build of DBW. The only way I know to do this is to put both ini files on the screen and compare them line by line. Were you referring to some software for comparing files?

Thanks again for this mod :)!




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Re: CLEAN DBW Modding JGME Packs (v2)
« Reply #34 on: January 01, 2012, 06:33:17 AM »

Hey Riptide!

Yea, happy new year and glad you are enjoying the mod packs!  As mentioned, these packs basically give the user a "garden" where they can tend as needed using the concepts of clean separation from vanilla DBW to their specific game choices be it, a set up for a specific theater/plane set, or perhaps a given campaign.  The simplicity of "on/off" with GME makes it quite easy and clean to enable what you want to fly and experience in DBW. 

As for file compares, I use the following:

Both apps offer excellent compare views of code files and WindMerge allows for direct update during the compare.




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Re: CLEAN DBW Modding JGME Packs (v2)
« Reply #35 on: January 01, 2012, 12:51:22 PM »

I just installed yesterday and DBW have downloaded this pack of mods. had already downloaded the v1. The v2 did not run the # Static DBW mod but I think it's because of my video card onboard.Com Mod Static not start the DBW.
  Windeapon thanks for the pack of mods available! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
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