Hi, everybody! I wasn't gone, a lot of work and very little free time was simple.
Now peak behind and I continue work on the generator. Tomorrow or at the beginning of the next week there will be the following version in which I added drop tanks support for the plane of the player and AI. Now actively I check and I correct the errors sent by you.
greybeardI checked your errors - in my version of the generator ( the error of "Can't load Regiment "356Squadriglia"" doesn't repeat, but I faced other problem - if the file the name is written to mis with capital letter - 356
Squadriglia - game doesn't load mission. I replaced the name in AllWing.dat.
Concerning Japanese campaign (Green Hell):
1 . In sections [Squadrons] in skin:RRG_11 Sentai lines - 1 Chutai.bmp can't be gaps (RRG_11th_Sentai_1st_Chutai.bmp)
2 . After removal of lines with gaps at me campaign earned without problems.
Try these campaigns once again with future version