As you may read from Asura's explanation, there's the option to set two different quantities, according to country; so you should modify DB file as follows:
Allies USSR 25 SB_2M103
Axis Finland 15 SB_2M103
I was unaware of this possibility.
Thanks for the explanation: in fact this makes sense. Actually, I read in literature that, as a rule, combat range is computed as no more than 1/3 of ferry range (one third to reach the target, one third to RTB, one third to combat and stay on target); so drop tank should be provided (at least) when target distance goes beyond 33% of current "range" item inside game files. This fraction may reduce up to 1/5, in actual instances (e.g.: patrolling), so leaving up to 60% fuel for "reserve".
Thank you also for planned fix to scheduling of multiple missions in a day.
I was glad to learn, by answer you gave to Uberdemon, another significant feature of your DGen. It makes me think how many features we are missing, lost among the 81 (so far) pages of this thread. Definitely desirable including them in the manual.