Hey folks, I'm having some problems with the campaign generator. I'm using HSFX 7.0.3 with IL-2 v. 2.12.2m.
I'm using DGen along with Boelke's Westfront campaign and his affiliated patches (HSFX mod files version 1.5). His campaign has been running fine, however, I have issues with some vanilla campaigns loading. A few select portions of the USN campaign refuse to work--specifically the Guadalcanal, Marianas, and Japan campaigns don't work. I found a similar post reporting the same issue with the USMC Guadalcanal campaign, but there were no useful replies other than someone saying that the OP had the wrong version of DGen.
Whenever I try to load the Guadalcanal campaign, I got a Dgen error message that reads "Exception EIn Outerror in module DGen.exe at 001260A6. I/O error 32", and a subsequent crash of the game.
In the Marianas campaign, I get a loud beep when I hit the "generate" button and I get a blank briefing screen. No map, no nothing.
When I go to load the Japan campaign, I get a crash similar to the Guadalcanal campaign with the error message
"Exception EAccessviolation in module DGen.exe at 0007F1FE. Access violation at address 0047F1FE in module 'DGen.exe'> Read of address 04B46ED0"
I really enjoy the USN campaigns and this really rains on my parade. Does anyone have any input that could help me?
I apologize for the error report not being in code form (or posting any other part of my message in bbcode), for some reason I get a message that reads "you are not allowed to post external links" when I try to put this part of the post in a code box.
= DGen_mod (07/05/2015) =
seed: 2079612203
ParamStr: un 4
DGen_mod initialization. Side: un, Rank: 4
Career ID: Un1
Unable to delete directory: missions\campaign\un\DGen_1_Marianas2doe4
EnemyNation from settings:
Load DGen\mod\AllPlaneDB.dat:
Inherits Marianas
Load DGen\mod\MarianasTowns.dat:
EnemyNation from stock: Japan
ReadDB sorties:3
Load DGen\mod\AllWing.dat:
TestWing(Allies,USN_VF_3B): USN_VF_3B 0 00
PlaneNationCheck: PBN1 before - USA, after - USA
PlaneNationCheck: F4F_FM2 before - USA, after - USA
PlaneNationCheck: F6F3 before - USA, after - USA
PlaneNationCheck: P_47D22 before - USA, after - USA
Blue skill set: 2 30 10
Red skill set: 5 40 5
Inherits operations from DGen\opsMarianas2.dat
Loading 32 operation from DGen\opsMarianas2.dat
Loading 43 red moving group
Loading 101 red stationary units
Loading 13 red buildings
Loading 6 blue moving group
Loading 49 all moving group
Loading 190 blue stationary units
Loading 291 all stationary units
Loading 20 blue buildings
Loading 33 all buildings
Load DGen\mod\MarianasAF.dat:
ShipList count 23 objects
ZoneList count 0 objects
ClusterList count 0 objects
FleetList count 11 objects
CarrierList count 4 objects
Dangerous areas - Red:0 Blue:0
In CombatMissionN. orgAF= -2. x=0.00 y=0.00 OlOpName=()
FighterTargetCheck - AlAx
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:8 Car:0 Con:1 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:17 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:8 Car:0 Con:1 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:17 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:8 Car:0 Con:1 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:17 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:8 Car:0 Con:1 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:17 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:8 Car:0 Con:1 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:17 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:8 Car:0 Con:1 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:17 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:8 Car:0 Con:1 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:17 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:8 Car:0 Con:1 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:17 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:8 Car:0 Con:1 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:17 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:8 Car:0 Con:1 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:17 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:8 Car:0 Con:1 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:17 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:8 Car:0 Con:1 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:17 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:8 Car:0 Con:1 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:17 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:8 Car:0 Con:1 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:17 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:8 Car:0 Con:1 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:17 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:8 Car:0 Con:1 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:17 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:8 Car:0 Con:1 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:17 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Allies: AF:0 HyB:0 Amp:0 Tnk:0 Art:0 Bdg:0 Carr:8 Car:0 Con:1 Dep:0 HQ:0 Prt:0 Ship:17 Sub:0 Rail:0 Sea:0 Land:0 Trn:0 Trp:0 Zone:0 Constr:0 Clust:0 Soft:0
Can't select target type