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Author Topic: Westfront (ETO) 1939-45 DGEN campaign for DBW - update 30/06/2013  (Read 79081 times)

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Re: Westfront (ETO) 1939-45 DGEN campaign for DBW
« Reply #60 on: December 30, 2011, 12:26:44 AM »

I have download the DGexe as was linked here but still cannot play the campaign. I hear the "beep" sound when I try to generate the campaign. Please advise me on this issue.

whiskey111, i need a little bit more information, what campaign or what nation does not work? Did you try to start other subcampaigns for that nation?


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Re: Westfront (ETO) 1939-45 DGEN campaign for DBW
« Reply #61 on: December 30, 2011, 12:30:41 AM »

Boelcke, just wanted to say a quick thank you for what must have been an overwhelming amount of work. I've just finished 20 missions flying the Blenheim and am really enjoying getting to know her properly. She's an absolute darling to fly, especially having waited so long for an RAF early-war bomber campaign, and she's got me home on one engine with chunks of the control surfaces missing more than once! Mind you, the idea of trading up to something that can carry more than 1000lb at 180mph is becoming appealing ;) Great mission variety considering (although a fair few are briefed as USAAF fighter missions, B-17 escorts etc...a bug, just how things are, or installation SNAFU?), great targets and great escorts - the cannon armed Spits are doing much better than their historical counterparts did in terms of kill ratio ;) - which is a relief as the flak can be hell. My first DGen campaign for years, but well worth the wait ;D

So yeah, thank you for your work and the hours of enjoyment it's giving  8)


Screwball, thx for your kind words and for feedback, always appreciated :)

concerning the briefings, well that´s a problem of Il2. You have only one briefing file which is used by all campaigns (a little bit simplified spoken), so you can´t alter it much or it will be scrapped for the other campaigns.


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Re: Westfront (ETO) 1939-45 DGEN campaign for DBW
« Reply #62 on: December 30, 2011, 05:36:15 AM »

Ah, I see. Hey ho, doesn't detract at all from the action but good to know it's not a result of my messing up the installation - thanks for the response :)



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Re: Westfront (ETO) 1939-45 DGEN campaign for DBW
« Reply #63 on: January 01, 2012, 07:57:20 AM »

To whiskey111. That beep is to inform you, that DGen cannot create folder. The reason is the character used to identify campaign (especially German one). Such a charachter cannot be in folder name, (in my case the character has been 'Š'). I rename all files with this charachter, (campainsDE?.dat, classesDE?.dat and other) with other character, and it works. So will you try it, and you will see.


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Re: Westfront (ETO) 1939-45 DGEN campaign for DBW
« Reply #64 on: January 02, 2012, 01:26:18 AM »

To whiskey111. That beep is to inform you, that DGen cannot create folder. The reason is the character used to identify campaign (especially German one). Such a charachter cannot be in folder name, (in my case the character has been 'Š'). I rename all files with this charachter, (campainsDE?.dat, classesDE?.dat and other) with other character, and it works. So will you try it, and you will see.

it´s explained in post #39



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Re: Westfront (ETO) 1939-45 DGEN campaign for DBW
« Reply #65 on: January 02, 2012, 04:44:37 AM »

Hi Boelcke, have you allready given the new dgen alpha version a try?


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Re: Westfront (ETO) 1939-45 DGEN campaign for DBW
« Reply #66 on: January 02, 2012, 06:39:16 AM »

Hi Boelcke, have you allready given the new dgen alpha version a try?

yes :)



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Re: Westfront (ETO) 1939-45 DGEN campaign for DBW
« Reply #67 on: January 17, 2012, 01:10:10 PM »

Hi gents, hi Boelcke. Thank you so mucb for your effort. I'm trying  to start West front and still receiveng "beep" and this error message in dgen error log:
Can't open target file to copy:
Please can you (or anybody) help me?
B26 is functional...

Many thanks in avdance


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Re: Westfront (ETO) 1939-45 DGEN campaign for DBW
« Reply #68 on: January 29, 2012, 03:10:30 AM »

Great campaign so far but! :D
Every time when I try to switch to sub campaign the new map simply doesnt load briefing is blank and when I click fly beep sound and "no map in mission file" pops up. Ive tried to edit savegame and refly the previous mission but the resul was same. It happens in RAF and Luftwaffe campaigns. Default campaigns works. I have english IL2 4.101 UP3 DBW 1.6, any advice would be appreciate!


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Re: Westfront (ETO) 1939-45 DGEN campaign for DBW
« Reply #69 on: January 30, 2012, 02:30:42 PM »

Yeah, same problem here when playing as DE.

When starting Belgium 1939, I get this error:

Code: [Select]
Inherits operations from DGen\ops_WFBelgien1939.dat
Groups Y, U or Z not specified - line ignored

MissionDistance set, testing DGen\WF_BelgienRed0.mis
MissionDistance set, testing DGen\WF_BelgienBlue0.mis
Dangerous areas
Red:2 Blue:0
Can't open target file to copy:

I was getting another error before this, about two files (WF_BelgienRed0.mis and WF_BelgienBlue0.mis) missing. There were some files without the 0 in the name, so I copied those files and renamed them to the missing file names. I don't know if it's ok or not, but it's not giving me any errors about them now.

For Belgium 1940 I get
Code: [Select]
Can't open target file to copy:

For France 1940 I get
Code: [Select]
Inherits operations from DGen\ops_WFFrance1940.dat
Groups Y, U or Z not specified - line ignored

MissionDistance set, testing DGen\Normandy41Red0.mis
Can't open!
MissionDistance set, testing DGen\Normandy41Blue0.mis
Can't open!
Dangerous areas
Red:2 Blue:4
Can't open target file to copy:

For France 1941 I get
Code: [Select]
Inherits operations from DGen\opsNormandy41h.dat
MissionDistance set, testing DGen\Normandy41Red0.mis
Can't open!
MissionDistance set, testing DGen\Normandy41Blue0.mis
Can't open!
Dangerous areas
Red:0 Blue:15
Can't open target file to copy:

Etc. No mission works for DE. All with beeps.

GB and USA missions seem to work, although I didn't play them all yet.

Thanks for your work.


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Re: Westfront (ETO) 1939-45 DGEN campaign for DBW
« Reply #70 on: January 31, 2012, 03:04:02 AM »

The only solution i can give to you is - sorry - a complete reinstall of the game/mod packs. There are some users with this problem, but for most of the people it works. Other working campaigns like the stock campaigns aren´t a tracer for this. mig66 for example gave me a PM that his Ardennes map doesn´t work when doing some trials.

Keep in mind that my Westfront campaign uses realy a mass of the the new planes which are included in UP/DBW. So every small issue in your UP installation can cause a problem.

I´m sorry but that´s the only solution.


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Re: Westfront (ETO) 1939-45 DGEN campaign for DBW
« Reply #71 on: January 31, 2012, 06:00:22 AM »

Hmm.. that sucks. I didn't experience any problems with my UP and DBW so far, so I'd like to think that everything is installed correctly.
Can the fact that I have UP3 RC4 and DBW 1.6 be a problem? I just noticed that in the first post it's saying that it needs UP3.0.
I also tried with some of DBW's mods enabled/disabled, still no go.
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