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Author Topic: Stereo 3D v5 Final version Pack (TrackIR 6DOF, EcranWide & ScreenShots)  (Read 25946 times)

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Updated Dec the 9th 2011:

Stereo 3D v5 Final version Pack (TrackIR 6DOF, EcranWide & ScreenShots)

(Screenshot directly taken from the screen)

Ok People,
                          now this is the V5 Final MOD. It could be considered the "Release Version". For those who haven't been following the development thread and don't know much about the MOD, etc., please consider that 95% of the answers you need are in a disordered sequence here:

  The ReadMe.pdf included in the .rar is quite exhaustive and explains in a detailed and ordered way all what you may need to operate and configure the MOD. I took the time to write it, so please: read it if you don't know what to do.

  I will not discuss the features or the basic configuration here, because it was quite analyzed in the quoted thread and everything is in the ReadMe. The main changes for this v5 are:

  -Fully integrates TrackIR 6DOF MOD (you wont need an indepenent TrackIR 6DOF anymore). There were some isolated problems reported by users that didn't seem to be specifically related to this MOD. Just in case I include the module PureTrackIR6DOF-3DAdapted.rar to overwrite my most efficient MODs classes with a fully compatible TrackIR 6DOF.
  -Fully integrates EcranWide (you wont need an independent EcranWide anymore). But in this case consider that some extra stuff that you were accustomed to (small fonts, small icons, etc.) would be needed by you. I have added the module Extras For EcranWide.rar that includes all that stuff.
  -ScreenShots are possible in .jpg and .tga format in any Mode.
  -Video captures are possible in most of the current Modes.
  -ModeD has been made perfectly operative and will not conflict basically with any modern card.
  -ModeC includes by very first time in this v5 Final the chance of directly managing 3D Feature of nVIDIA cards (Quadro series). I still don't have such a card so I cannot effectively test it but it should work. For ATI or nVIDIA non-3D this mode will be a basic mode with auxiliary buffers and a slow one (not recommended).

  Most of the issues seen by nVIDIA users should be solved in this version. This is what I learnt from studying about cards and other people experience, because I only have ATI cards and only had the chance to test it with them. As I stated in the ReadMe:

Due to the fact that I don’t receive any benefit of solving the issues everybody have, I will not invest in an nVIDIA card, but some people have started donating so I can buy such a GPU to debug and optimize the MOD on that brand. If you are interested on supporting this idea, you can make your contribution through PayPal here:


This Stereo 3D MOD by requirement of many users was adapted to support TrackIR 6DOF and EcranWide. Nonetheless I have implemented these two functions in a slightly different way, I would credit for the inspiration these MODders:
-sHr for the mouse 6DOF (I use my previous reworked MOD of Mouse Headshaking 6DOF).
-Josse and CirX for the settings for Wide Monitor support.
-Kegetys for TrackIR 6DOF (and different changes made by others as far as I know).




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Re: Stereo 3D v5 Final version Pack (TrackIR 6DOF, EcranWide & ScreenShots)
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2011, 05:52:15 PM »

 ;) thank you Pablo, you are da man, ever at disposal for all community!.


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Re: Stereo 3D v5 Final version Pack (TrackIR 6DOF, EcranWide & ScreenShots)
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2011, 05:45:55 AM »

Hello benitomuso will this mod have option to output interlaced or side by side for those of us that do have 3d monitors or tv's? This would be really cool because the current solutions for ATI and NVidia are not any good. Like you found out I could only get IZ3D to work in directx and there is no setting for in the cockpit and also external so this would be great if it could output interlaced or side by side instead of the red and blue is this possible to be added as an option???  ;)


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Re: Stereo 3D v5 Final version Pack (TrackIR 6DOF, EcranWide & ScreenShots)
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2011, 07:00:09 AM »

Hello benitomuso will this mod have option to output interlaced or side by side for those of us that do have 3d monitors or tv's? This would be really cool because the current solutions for ATI and NVidia are not any good. Like you found out I could only get IZ3D to work in directx and there is no setting for in the cockpit and also external so this would be great if it could output interlaced or side by side instead of the red and blue is this possible to be added as an option???  ;)

                              the basic anaglyph system adopted by me works quite well since last version, has different options and is universal, you don't need anything else apart of your basic hardware. I don't know exactly what you mean about the ATI and nVidia options not being good. Do you mean the drivers or intermediate programs that generate 3D? Yes, hopefully you can achieve 3D with a framerate decrease of about 30% (the best scenario, but it can be much worst) and not for Il-2.

  Regarding coding alternatives to the anaglyph: yes, there are. Obviously they can be implemented. But why would I spend hours and hours trying to adapt to other operating principles? Not having the proper hardware to develop and considering that any new solution adopted can have diverse issues in the variety of "particular cases" of everyone. Does it make sense? Would you do it being in my position?

  It is not a problem of lack of good will. It is a matter of "why". And I don't find any because that can justify that. We have stereo for the Il-2. It works quite well, much better than most of any available solution for other flight-sims. It is free, it is in red / cyan yes. I got pretty accustomed to it in very short time. For the while it's enough.



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Re: Stereo 3D v5 Final version Pack (TrackIR 6DOF, EcranWide & ScreenShots)
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2011, 11:27:36 PM »

What I meant was that the current solutions for 3d that AMD and Nvidia offer for 3d does not work for IL-2 because it is a opengl game. It only works with directx games. Although we have the option in IL-2 to run it in directx it is translating the opengl calls to directx and we lose graphic quality. If we want to use amdhd3d tri-def or iz3d does not work well because need two different settings one for in cockpit and one for exterior view which amd or ati has no setting for both with there 3d drivers that they offer. You have solved that yaaaaay! I do see your point though why you wouldn't do that. I was just saying for those of us that do have 3d capable monitors and hd3d tv's it would be nice because we would not lose some of the color spectrum while playing the game in 3d. It would be full color hd3d.

Really good job though you have made some kick-a** mods that I use quite often like your bombsight assist mission pro combo and others I use them all the time thankyou!!!

Ok I am overnighting you a 42" hd3d tv and new graphic card so we can get it to work and complimentary blu-ray. Sorry just kidding if I was rich though I would if it could be done. Thankyou once again Mr. Benitomuso.


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Re: Stereo 3D v5 Final version Pack (TrackIR 6DOF, EcranWide & ScreenShots)
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2012, 12:34:16 PM »

Simply amazing.Thanks for all your work on this and the other ways you have improved playing this sim...
I do have one gripe ( not at you tho) ...it goes all the way back to the first 3d movie & comic books I saw in the mid 1950's & involves the spilitting headache one can get from this method of getting things in 3D...hopefully there will be a way someday of avoiding it...


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Re: Stereo 3D v7 RC (4.11 version working in 4.101)
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2012, 03:06:59 AM »

Hi All,
               time to move a little forward the Stereo3D. Since the moment when the 4.11 version appeared, I took a look ans saw that Team Daidalos improved several things regarding views, cockpits, etc., etc. Many things are better and more organized now.

  But we still have the game in version 4.101 for DBW 1.7. So I took the new classes of the 4.11 and I adapted them to work in 4.101 (so in DBW) acquiring all its natural features (embedded 6DOF, some methods to make mouse 6DOF that I adapted to the historical XY and Normal Mouse inherited from sHr, etc.).

  Basically the MOD doesn't have any new improvement visible. I tried to respect as much as possible everything in the original, and I think it should behave very good.

  Please remove the previous folder you eventually had with former versions. Now you need the DT.dll (part of the 4.11 version) that I'm including in the .rar for those who doesn't have the 4.11 installed anywhere.

  As far as I know this version will not work in 4.11 because I had to modify a subtle thing to allow the 4.101 to recognize it as native. But if this version shows to be OK, I will release in a couple of days the two final versions for 4.101 and 4.11.



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Re: Stereo 3D v5 Final version Pack (TrackIR 6DOF, EcranWide & ScreenShots)
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2012, 03:30:19 AM »

Many thanks!

If I don't enable the 3D magic could this mod be used as a mere substitute of the old 6DOF?



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Re: Stereo 3D v5 Final version Pack (TrackIR 6DOF, EcranWide & ScreenShots)
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2012, 04:34:33 AM »

Magic Pablo! :D



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Re: Stereo 3D v5 Final version Pack (TrackIR 6DOF, EcranWide & ScreenShots)
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2012, 07:41:28 AM »

Many thanks!

If I don't enable the 3D magic could this mod be used as a mere substitute of the old 6DOF?


           with the Stereo feature disabled it is 4.11's 6DOF and cockpit management. No need of "specially 6DOF manipulated" il2fb.exe as we did in the past.



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Re: Stereo 3D v5 Final version Pack (TrackIR 6DOF, EcranWide & ScreenShots)
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2012, 07:44:34 AM »

Thanks...I'll give it a try!!



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Re: Stereo 3D v5 Final version Pack (TrackIR 6DOF, EcranWide & ScreenShots)
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2012, 12:27:46 AM »

Well...I've installed it on top of my DBW1.71 #DBW folder, I've put DT.dll in IL2 root folder, I've disabled the old 6DOF mod and the EcranWide also, I've added the requested lines in config.ini: allthough the 3D thing work fine, when I activate TrackIR I've suddenly a game crash.

As I may see the only hash conflict could be between the 6DOF files.
Could be the crash related to the CirX's POV mod?

Thanks in advance!

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