One small bug to report - it seems that deck colision height has been raised up too much, because the wheels sink a bit now. It's better then when they floated but... if they sunk just about 1 cm it would be even more relistic but now FJ-3 main gear wheels have even about 1 cm of their rims sunk... it needs to be just a litle bit lower.
Deck collision hight is difficult to decide.
At F6F, now collision height seems to be just good.
At F8 Crusader MOD, now collision height seems to be too low. F8's tires subducts into deck.
So, I've many many planes tested and checked collision height, I decided today's height.
EDIT: Spotted another thing - all carriers from the pack have the beginning of the runway warped to the left. It's most noticable when you're on final aproach to runway. Runways on all carriers are warped identicaly, so I guess it's a problem with mapping.
It's caused by my new UV mapping.
I remapped whole deck UV mapping at fitting 2048x512 resolution.
At that time, warped.
It needs remap again.
I will try.
Diving_Hawk's version doesn't have this problem.