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Author Topic: USN - Colorado Class Battleships  (Read 43457 times)

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USN - Colorado Class Battleships
« on: January 04, 2012, 08:32:52 AM »

Good day all,
I’m glad to present you the first of my ships, the first of a long list (so I'm ardently hoping, taking into account that I’m not a youngster :D).

The Colorado-class battleships have been the first USN vessels to be fitted with 16” (406-mm) guns. These ships were practically identical to those of the Tennessee-class, except for the main battery.
The class was made of three ships, USS Colorado BB 45, USS Maryland BB 46 and USS West Virginia BB 48: initially, it was due to come into service a fourth ship (USS Washington BB 47), but she was destroyed as a target (being only 75% complete) under the terms of the Naval Washington Treaty. The five vessels of Tennessee and Colorado-classes were known as the “Big Five”, they constituted the backbone of the Pacific Battle Fleet for a long while.
No one of these ships was modernised before the onset of WWII, apart increased AA-protection (and armament) in mid-late 1941.
The USS Colorado was the only of the “Big Five” not moored along the battleship row on December 7, 1941. From July of that year she was undertaking routine-overhaul at Bremerton (Puget Sound) Navy Yard, works lasted until March 31, 1942.
Colorado and Maryland had the cage mainmast cut down in early 1942 and entirely replaced by a small control tower in 1943. Whereas, the forward cagemast was retained.
On the contrary, the West Virginia was so heavily damaged during the attack, that, once recovered, the Navy decided to completely rebuilt her in the same fashion as was done for the Tennessee-class ships.

During the hostilities, Colorado participated to several pre-invasion bombardment providing effective fire support during the following campaigns:
Gilbert Islands (Tarawa)

She was placed out of commission in reserve there on January 7, 1947, and sold for scrapping on July 23, 1959.
The Colorado received seven battle stars for World War II service.

Some Technical Data and Features

USS Colorado BB 45 (designation assigned on July 17, 1920)

Built by New York SB, Camden, NJ.
Laid down 29 May 1919, launched 22 March 1921, commissioned 30 August 1923.

Main features (as built):
Displacement: 32,600 tons normal; 34,946 tons full load
Dimensions: 624 x 97.5 x 30 feet/190.2 x 29,72 x 9,15 meters
Propulsion: Turbo-electric, 8 285 psi boilers, 4 shafts, 28,900 shp, 21 knots
Crew: 1080
Armour: 8 -13.5 inch belt (203 -343 mm), 3.5 inch decks (89 mm), 4.5 -13 inch barbettes (114 -330 mm), 5 -18 inch turrets (127 -457 mm), 4 -16 inch CT (102 -406 mm)
Aviation: none (Catapults fitted in 1924)
Armament: 4 dual 16"/45 cal, 14 5"/51cal, 4 3"/50 cal AA, 2 21 inch torpedo tubes (submerged)

Armament at the time of Pearl Harbour’s attack :
4 dual 16"/45 cal, 12 5"/51cal, 8 5"/25 cal AA, 4 quadruple 1.1”/75 cal AA, 5 to 8 0.50 Browning AA Mgs.


If you're interested this is the downloading link

New and Final Version is available at

download from 4Shared - http://www.4shared.com/rar/whr3Gsf1/USSColorado.html
download from mediafire (Thanks to Gerax) - https://www.mediafire.com/?m1yty92uql13wbv

Some change to the texture to avoid the little graphical bugs noted for the damaged status.
This can be taken into account as the "official" release.

my regards


Gofo: 3D model, mapping and texturing
asheshouse: classfiles and priceless tutoring (and endless patience too… ;))

Installation procedure is quite simple and fully detailed in the Readme file within the Colorado’s folder.

N.B. This Mod was initially created for the 4.10 version, but it works even in 4.09.


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Re: It's time to get a real USS battleship, don't you agree?
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2012, 08:43:56 AM »

Many thanks, Gofo, for this beauty! I already have your beta version fully working. Do I just replace the mod, or do I also have to add extre lines? 8)


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Re: It's time to get a real USS battleship, don't you agree?
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2012, 08:55:40 AM »

Bravo Zulu!
I guess that means the end of the overly popular HMS Prince of Wales :D


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Re: It's time to get a real USS battleship, don't you agree?
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2012, 09:05:54 AM »

hi cgagan,
thanks for your appreciation. Delete the old version, add the new folders and follow the instructions. *.ini and *.properties files have to be updated, they are rather different



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Re: It's time to get a real USS battleship, don't you agree?
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2012, 10:02:15 AM »

Congratulations Gofo.
Its great to see this completed.

-- and exciting to see two additional vacant folders waiting for the next additions  ;)



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Re: It's time to get a real USS battleship, don't you agree?
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2012, 10:46:54 AM »

Replacing the generic BB with it is not such a good idea in regards to backwards compatibility.
It would be better to still have the generic BB, but now as a Colorado class! :)


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Re: It's time to get a real USS battleship, don't you agree?
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2012, 11:51:31 AM »


I'd like just a tad more info pertaining to this vessel:

As it is modelled right this moment, what years did she serve? What differences, if any, were there in 1944?

The reason I ask is because I'm very interested in the Measure 32 camouflage schemes of that year.

I've looked the skin over and it looks like it may a dream to paint.

Great work!



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Re: It's time to get a real USS battleship, don't you agree?
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2012, 12:08:37 PM »

In this condition: From May 1942 to 1944 or so.
Colorado missed Pearl Harbor (she was in refit at San Francisco at the time) so her appearance was never altered as drastically as those warships that were in Pearl Harbor on Dec 7.
Her afterwards lattice mast was removed late in the war and replaced by a simple pole mast, and AA increased (and a different paint job I guess) but otherwise she remained pretty unchanged.
Same goes for Maryland which was at Pearl but only suffered two hits and got away with relatively slight damage.
Both retained much of their pre war appearance, including the lattice foretop until 1945.
West Virginia was the most heavily damaged battleship restored from Pearl Harbor and was totally different after her extensive refit so for all intents and purposes she was a different class than her two sisters.


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Re: It's time to get a real USS battleship, don't you agree?
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2012, 12:21:24 PM »

Replacing the generic BB with it is not such a good idea in regards to backwards compatibility.
It would be better to still have the generic BB, but now as a Colorado class! :)

That's a fair comment.
To retain USSColorado as USSBBGeneric proceed as follows.

Do not delete the entries for the Generic BB when installing the Colorado.
They can be disabled temporarily by add // 

// com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.Ship$USSBBGeneric

Install Colorado as per Gofo instructions and check it works.

Create a copy of the USSColoradoBB45_41 folder in ShipGofo/3do/Ships
Rename to USSBBGeneric folder

In the USSBBGeneric folder find skin1o.tga and create a Copy in the same folder.
Rename the copy skin1o.tgb   --- If you do not do this the model will pick up the KGV skin :)

Paste new entries into ships.ini as follows:

Code: [Select]

Description  USS Colorado BB-45  --  Colorado Class Battleship

Icon         shipDestroyer

// Model
Mesh         3do/Ships/USSBBGeneric/Hier.him

// Motion Parameters
SliderDistance 640
Speed          21.0 //39 km/h
SoundMove      models.Ship

// Vitals

BaseChunk Hull1
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullEnorm
 damageDepth   0.4
 damagePitch  -2.0
 damageRoll    4.0
 damageTime  164.0

BaseChunk Hull2
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullEnorm
 damageDepth   0.4
 damagePitch   0.0
 damageRoll    4.0
 damageTime  160.0

BaseChunk Hull3
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullEnorm
 damageDepth   0.4
 damagePitch   2.0
 damageRoll    4.0
 damageTime  166.0

// Structure

BaseChunk SST
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullLarge

BaseChunk SSM
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullLarge

BaseChunk Stack1
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullSmall

BaseChunk Stack2
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullSmall

BaseChunk ForeMast
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullSmall

BaseChunk MainMast
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullSmall

BaseChunk wire_x
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullHuge

BaseChunk Crane1
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullMedium

BaseChunk Crane2
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullMedium

BaseChunk Crane3
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullMedium

BaseChunk Crane4
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullMedium

BaseChunk Crane5
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullMedium

BaseChunk Catapult
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullMedium

BaseChunk Boat1
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullSmall

BaseChunk Boat2
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullSmall

BaseChunk Boat3
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullSmall

BaseChunk Boat4
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullSmall

BaseChunk Boat5
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullSmall

BaseChunk Boat6
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullSmall

BaseChunk Boat7
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullSmall

BaseChunk Boat8
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullSmall

BaseChunk Boat9
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullSmall

// Main Armament
// 8 x 16in/45 (4x2)

BaseChunk                 Head1
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun1
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunHuge

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_MkVII_356   // Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                -135
 HeadMaxYaw                 135
 GunHeadChunk             Head1
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun1
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart1
BaseChunk                 Head2
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun2
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunHuge

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_MkVII_356   // Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                -135
 HeadMaxYaw                 135
 GunHeadChunk             Head2
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun2
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart2

BaseChunk                 Head3
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun3
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunHuge

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_MkVII_356   // Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                -135
 HeadMaxYaw                 135
 GunHeadChunk             Head3
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun3
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart3

BaseChunk                 Head4
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun4
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunHuge

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_MkVII_356   // Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                -135
 HeadMaxYaw                 135
 GunHeadChunk             Head4
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun4
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart4
// Secondary Armament
// 10 x 5in/51 (10x1) in barbette mountings  --

BaseChunk                 Head5
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun5
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_QFMkI_134   // Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                   0
 HeadMaxYaw                 135
 GunHeadChunk             Head5
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun5
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart5
 FireFastTargets              0
BaseChunk                 Head6
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun6
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_QFMkI_134   // Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                -135
 HeadMaxYaw                   0
 GunHeadChunk             Head6
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun6
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart6
 FireFastTargets              0

BaseChunk                 Head7
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun7
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_QFMkI_134   // Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                   0
 HeadMaxYaw                 115
 GunHeadChunk             Head7
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun7
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart7
 FireFastTargets              0

BaseChunk                 Head8
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun8
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_QFMkI_134   // Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                -115
 HeadMaxYaw                   0
 GunHeadChunk             Head8
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun8
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart8
 FireFastTargets              0

BaseChunk                 Head9
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun9
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_QFMkI_134   // Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                 -40
 HeadMaxYaw                  85
 GunHeadChunk             Head9
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun9
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart9
 FireFastTargets              0

BaseChunk                 Head10
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun10
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_QFMkI_134   // Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                  -85
 HeadMaxYaw                   40
 GunHeadChunk             Head10
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun10
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart10
 FireFastTargets              0
BaseChunk                 Head11
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun11
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_QFMkI_134   // Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                  -100
 HeadMaxYaw                   30
 GunHeadChunk             Head11
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun11
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart11
 FireFastTargets              0
BaseChunk                 Head12
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun12
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_QFMkI_134   // Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                  -30
 HeadMaxYaw                  100
 GunHeadChunk             Head12
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun12
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart12
 FireFastTargets              0
BaseChunk                 Head13
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun13
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_QFMkI_134   // Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                  -90
 HeadMaxYaw                   40
 GunHeadChunk             Head13
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun13
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart13
 FireFastTargets              0
BaseChunk                 Head14
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun14
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_QFMkI_134   // Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                  -40
 HeadMaxYaw                   90
 GunHeadChunk             Head14
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun14
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart14
 FireFastTargets              0
// 2 x 5in/51 (2x1) in open mountings  --- check if present in 1941

BaseChunk                 Head15
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun15
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_QFMkI_134   // Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                   0
 HeadMaxYaw                 150
 GunHeadChunk             Head15
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun15
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart15
 FireFastTargets              0
BaseChunk                 Head16
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun16
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_QFMkI_134// Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                 -150
 HeadMaxYaw                    0
 GunHeadChunk             Head16
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun16
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart16
 FireFastTargets              0

// 8 x 5in/25 (8x1) in turrrets

BaseChunk                 Head17
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun17
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_5_25Mk10   // Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                    0
 HeadMaxYaw                  135
 GunHeadChunk             Head17
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun17
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart17
BaseChunk                 Head18
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun18
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_5_25Mk10   // Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                 -135
 HeadMaxYaw                    0
 GunHeadChunk             Head18
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun18
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart18
BaseChunk                 Head19
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun19
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_5_25Mk10   // Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                  -90
 HeadMaxYaw                   65
 GunHeadChunk             Head19
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun19
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart19
BaseChunk                 Head20
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun20
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_5_25Mk10   // Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                  -65
 HeadMaxYaw                   90
 GunHeadChunk             Head20
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun20
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart20
BaseChunk                 Head21
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun21
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_5_25Mk10   // Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                 -110
 HeadMaxYaw                   65
 GunHeadChunk             Head21
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun21
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart21
BaseChunk                 Head22
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun22
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_5_25Mk10   // Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                  -65
 HeadMaxYaw                  110
 GunHeadChunk             Head22
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun22
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart22
BaseChunk                 Head23
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun23
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_5_25Mk10   // Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                 -140
 HeadMaxYaw                   30
 GunHeadChunk             Head23
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun23
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart23
BaseChunk                 Head24
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun24
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_5_25Mk10   // Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                  -30
 HeadMaxYaw                  140
 GunHeadChunk             Head24
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun24
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart24

// 28-mm AA MG (4 x 4)

BaseChunk                 Head25_x
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun25_x
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_28_75Mk1// Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                 -100
 HeadMaxYaw                   90
 GunHeadChunk             Head25_x
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun25_x
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart25

BaseChunk                 Head26_x
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun26_x
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_28_75Mk1// Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                  -90
 HeadMaxYaw                  100
 GunHeadChunk             Head26_x
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun26_x
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart26

BaseChunk                 Head27_x
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun27_x
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_28_75Mk1// Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                 -100
 HeadMaxYaw                   80
 GunHeadChunk             Head27_x
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun27_x
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart27

BaseChunk                 Head28_x
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun28_x
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_28_75Mk1// Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                  -80
 HeadMaxYaw                  100
 GunHeadChunk             Head28_x
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun28_x
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart28

// 12.7-mm AA MG (5 x 1)

BaseChunk                 Head29_x
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun29_x
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_Oerlikon20// Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                  -80
 HeadMaxYaw                  135
 GunHeadChunk             Head29_x
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun29_x
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart29

BaseChunk                 Head30_x
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun30_x
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_Oerlikon20// Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                 -135
 HeadMaxYaw                   80
 GunHeadChunk             Head30_x
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun30_x
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart30

BaseChunk                 Head31_x
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun31_x
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_Oerlikon20// Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                 -135
 HeadMaxYaw                  135
 GunHeadChunk             Head31_x
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun31_x
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart31

BaseChunk                 Head32_x
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun32_x
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_Oerlikon20// Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                  -80
 HeadMaxYaw                  135
 GunHeadChunk             Head32_x
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun32_x
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart32

BaseChunk                 Head33_x
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun33_x
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_GunSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_Oerlikon20// Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                 -135
 HeadMaxYaw                   80
 GunHeadChunk             Head33_x
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun33_x
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart33

/// Targeting System

BaseChunk                 Head34
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun34_x
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullSmall

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_Oerlikon20// Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                 -180
 HeadMaxYaw                  180
 GunHeadChunk             Head34
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun34_x
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart34

BaseChunk                 Head35
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun35_x
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullMedium

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_5_25Mk10// Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                 -100
 HeadMaxYaw                  100
 GunHeadChunk             Head35
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun35_x
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart35

BaseChunk                 Head36
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun36_x
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullMedium

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_5_25Mk10// Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                 -100
 HeadMaxYaw                  100
 GunHeadChunk             Head36
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun36_x
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart36

BaseChunk                 Head37
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun37_x
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullMedium

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_5_25Mk10// Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                 -100
 HeadMaxYaw                  100
 GunHeadChunk             Head37
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun37_x
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart37

BaseChunk                 Head38
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun38_x
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullMedium

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_5_25Mk10// Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                 -170
 HeadMaxYaw                  170
 GunHeadChunk             Head38
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun38_x
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart38

BaseChunk                 Head39
AdditionalCollisionChunk0  Gun39_x
strengthBasedOnThisSection strength_HullMedium

gunBasedOnThisSection gun_5_25Mk10// Placeholder gun class
 HeadMinYaw                 -170
 HeadMaxYaw                  170
 GunHeadChunk             Head39
 GunBarrelChunk            Gun39_x
 GunShellStartHook  ShellStart39


Re-enable the USSBBGeneric entries in chief.ini
The Generic version should now be working.

Re-enable the USSBBGeneric entries in stationary.ini
Optionally - place an entry in technics_ru.properties


USSBBGeneric                 USS Colorado BB45 (Generic)


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Re: It's time to get a real USS battleship, don't you agree?
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2012, 06:22:34 AM »


So, from what you say, I could paint USS Colorado BB-45 in her MS-32 Design-3D (Modified) and we'd be good to go. Also, from what you say, I could paint USS Maryland BB-46 in her MS31-32 Undesignated Design using this same ship. Would this be a fair statement?


From what you say I could paint USS Maryland BB-46 then place her in the Generic BB slot of the game. Is this a fair statement?

From limited research (I'm just starting) these ships seem to have been painted in very early versions of MS 31 or 32 starting as early as late 1942 or early 1943. USS Maryland wore her paint from this period right through to late 1944 at least. (information here: http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/sh-co-mk/camouflg/usn-wwii/3--bb2.htm

I'm beginning to get pumped about doing this.



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Re: It's time to get a real USS battleship, don't you agree?
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2012, 06:24:29 AM »

Carry on, sailor!!!!  8)


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Re: It's time to get a real USS battleship, don't you agree?
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2012, 07:58:57 AM »

hi all,
forgive me for being so pedant, but precision and reliability of data  have been compulsory partners of my professional life (they keep affecting my behaviour albeit I'm retired since 2007 :D)
Answering Plowshare's questions and doubts:

  • I modelled the Colorado and Tennessee (and the next coming Arizona) as they appeared in late 1941-early 1942, in other words wearing a modified MS 1 measure (give a glance to https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,17852.msg203797.html#msg203797)
  • early-mid 1942: still-serviceable boats of "Big Five" family, undertook a first partial transformation, they had their main cage or bird-cage mast cut down (no a lattice one, a lattice mast is a quite different and simpler structure 8)). At that time they all wore a MS 21 camouflage (based on Sea Blue and Deck Blue)
  • a second, major transformation took part starting from mid 1943. Below is shown the appearance of Maryland and Colorado after the replacement of stump cage mainmast with a small control tower
  • Maryland had a "Dazzle" MS 32 (unknown Design) camouflage since mid 1943, and kept this camuflage scheme until early 1945, whereas the Colorado changed her MS 21 to MS 32/16D only in mid 1944. So she appeared

Finally, both reverted to a MS 21 measure during the last stages of the war.

Of course, you can put any skin on the model I proposed, but it would be not historically correct. If you care of details and correctness, be patient, I planned the building of all "version" of the Colorado-class, they are already on the drawing board ;)

my regards


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