I have just installed v1.1 (from original download) on my 409 installation and all is working fine!
What went wrong in it is that in the map folder the map_F file was missing (but replaceable from v1.0) and the _tex folder have the subfolders for the textures at wrong intallation height (_tex/karelia instead of _tex/ag/karelia)....and about the all.ini entry the old v1.0 was the same as the new one!
At the end: thanks for the great work you're done about this great and very useful area!!
All the best!
Thank you for your comment's.
This IS the first map that looks like Finland what comes to geography..
Of course IL2 has limitations and satellitedata too.
About. load.ini of 1.1 version. We have now included all the textures to _Tex/ag and it's subfolders for winter, summer and autumn maps.
Only few deafult Il2 textures are somewhere else like water and ice.tga's
And about map_F... Does someone still run IL2 on excellent?
Map_f is not hard to make, though...I migh tconsider that to future updates.
To Gcagan an others who haven't managed to get map working before:
Any news?
Also. I know that there is few airfields that have water on runways......they will be corrected as well as houses/villages on water.
Please report bugs and i do my best to make map even better.
(most important map in IL2 for me)