Just gave her a quick spin and would like to make a few initial comments/suggestions if I may, fully realizing that this is a beta (or perhaps even an alpha). I see you used the B-239 as a basis, but I think that the F2A-2 would be a better starting point, for the following reasons:
First, the cowling shape of the B-239 is incorrect. The F2A-2's cowling shape was based on wind tunnel tests; this modified shape was used on the F2A-2 and all of its derivatives (B-339B, C, D and E) as well as the F2A-3 and its derivative B-339-23. The -2's nose only needs lengthening by 10 inches for the -3, though the large spinner would have to be deleted, which does mean using, for instance, the B-17 spinner with reworked blades. The F2A-3 was delivered with the large spinner initially but this was soon junked to save weight and improve engine cooling.
Second, as the F2A-2 already has an arrester hook, there is no need to add this.
Third, the F2A-2 pit, while by no means a perfect representation of the -3 pit, is much more accurate. One, the language is already English; two, it has the tubular gunsight used by all USN and USMC F2As. Reflector gunsights were only fitted to the F2As when they had been relegated to adanced trainer duties after Midway.
The arrester hook work for this B-239 based mod is not lost, however. Replace the B-239 pit with the F2A-2 pit including the telescopic gunsight and the liferaft carrier behingd the pilot and you have the F2A-1!

You don't even have to change the FM for this plane as the B-239 was a denavalized F2A-1.