One of the mistakes we have been dealing with at one point about 6 years ago .
FinishTime should stay -1.0 , there is a reason for this to be set at -1.0 infinite time because other aircraft damage
effects sequences and Java processing are dependent on it otherwise there will be error in console when the java process
will get BlackHeavySPDWing trigger and a literally few minutes later the game engine java process will be looking for it
checking the active status while in reality the BlackHeavySPDWing effect was unexpectedly shut down because of the 1.0 value .
Aircraft effects sequences progress and Java processing will basically get stuck waiting for the once triggered BlackHeavySPDWing
effect to be active ( because it was triggered ) before progressing to the next and it can have a weird visual aircraft damage consequence .
It's much better to just shut it down by using:
nParticles 1.0
LiveTime 0.5
EmitFrequences 0.5
~S!~ HG