There was a set of both tga files and normal skins made for the aircraft, the schemes being identical, I think they were in the thread that was deleted. While the tga files worked in the same way the default skin does in the mod when put in the folders summer, mto etc, unfortunately the bmp files would not appear on the aircraft if selected from their skin folder in QMB or otherwise.
If normal skins would have shown up I would have long ago made a template and skins for this lovely little trainer, quite why they don't I've no idea but it would be nice to know just what is done within the mod to get skins to show from the folder within PaintSchemes as quite a few mods recently have had this skin problem.
I look forward to someone being able to correct that fault, and also to the finished cockpit when it is done.
It will be nice to eventually fly it with a proper panel rather than just use it as AI.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.