I still don't know how 4.11 AI works because I didn't install it yet. All my trials with Hs-123 have been in DBW. What I already commented in another post is that I always felt that AI behaves pretty differently depending on various factors.
For instance: in the same mission, with the same enemy planes, you choose an inferior plane and enemies that were running away before are attacking you now. That's realistic, but try other thing, same mission, same planes, different map, suddendly, some of the fighters start being less agressive or biplanes start escaping your attacks with a different strategy. So before accepting that new AI is that special, I'll have to try it...when it becomes stable enough to worth it to install.
About the qualities of Hs-123. I love it, undoubtly. Despite being intended as a ground attack plane, I love to use it in dogfights, It's so sturdy and maneovrable

. It cans turn on prosecuters like a rattle snake.
I totally agree with you, Fanatic, that this version is widely superior to the old good franken. I specially love the engine pat-pat and that drummy sound of the machine guns.