the Buttons file De-mystified Often when you want to download and install a new plane, you will be told that you will need the latest version of a thing called "Buttons". What is it, and what does it do?
OK, so, what is a buttons file? the BUTTONS file in IL2 is a protected file that contains all the flight models. Therefore, if you want to install a new plane that has a NEW Flight model, your game will crash at 60%, unless you have the latest buttons file that contains it's flight model data.
If you install a plane that is using the flight model of an EXISTING AIRCRAFT in IL2, then you obviously WONT need a new buttons file because its FM is already in the current Buttons file.
make sense so far?
So how do I know which buttons file to use? You really dont, you should just make sure you always have the lastest one available.
Here at SAS, we will issue a new buttons file when a new plane with new FM is launched. But in addition to that, and as an aid to our users, our buttons file will always include the latest buttons content from all other modding sites. So you can use all the planes from there also.
New buttons files will be made available at the Activators and utilities forum, along with installation instructions.
OK, so where in my game do I find the BUTTONS file? the SAS Modactivator locates the Buttons file here:
..\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\STD(or whatever name you gave the folder you keep buttons in)\GUI\GAME\Buttons If you do a search of your game folder, and you find a buttons file anywhere else, you delete it.
Can I open the buttons file? Nope.
OK, so , I do a manual install of the buttons, now some of my planes do not have sound!The basis of the sound mods at some sites are the additions of new names for some soundfiles into the game. What soundfile a plane's engine uses is specified in the buttons file, so if that planes FM asks for a soundfile you dont have, there will be no sound.
If it happens, check out the sound file reference sheet that came with your download of our latest buttons file, to identify what file you need, and make if for yourself from a copy of a similar prs file. If you struggle with this, ask for help! Check out our technical help forum, where there are many topics about fixing this.
So, why is it called "BUTTONS"? Because originally, the guys at 1C hid this important file in the same folder that contained the graphic files for all your game's buttons and switches. So they called this file BUTTONS to disguise it. Now it is her official name. Buttons is your GIRLFRIEND now
So, let me get this right then: I should always have the latest version of BUTTONS
..which I can find here at the Activators Forum
...I should download it and
.....then I should drag it into the folder here \IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\GUI\GAME\
......REPLACING the buttons file already there... Is that right? Yup.
Is it true that buttons file problems cause a lot of crashes on the 60% crash? Yes, buttons problems are
one of the leading causes of such crashes. These problems with Buttons are always one of the following:
1) You do not have the latest buttons file
2) You installed your buttons file into the wrong place, so now there are 2 buttons files in your Mods folder, or there is no buttons file left in the correct place where it should be.
Of course there are a few other causes of crashes, which will be dealt with in another thread, but, if the problem is with your buttons file, its one of the above, and ITS ALL YOUR OWN FAULT!
So.... if there is a plane's FM in my buttons file, but I dont have that plane yet, my game will crash? No , it will not crash, it will just skip over it.
But if there is a plane I installed and listed in my air.ini file, and it's FM is NOT in my buttons file, THEN my game will crash? Yes , at 60% load.
Who is responsible for updating the buttons file? Here it is me. And I have help from some great guys, including HaDes, Charlie Chap, Vtrelut, Frankiek, to name a few.
I downloaded new aircraft and /or a new buttons file from another mod site, now my game wont start. That is because the other buttons file might NOT HAVE some of the FM's needed by some of your planes in it. One way around it is to have a separate IL2 1946 game for each type of mod site you use. Unless you have some serious chops, then you can generally get around anything software wise.
However, here at SAS we will always INCLUDE the buttons data from other sites into our buttons file, and in the Buttons Download thread we will SAY what versions of other site's buttons are included. That means you can use planes from other sites and from this site in the same game.
If you find a mod from another site that has an FM we DO NOT have, let us know, we will go hunt it down for you.
Remember, our buttons file is for offline use. We have enabled features and settings in it that may interefere with online play.
If you want to play online, we suggest having a seperate install of IL2 for that. And we recommend using wither Ultra or C6 packs for that. If you are into a more organised online campaign game, check out HSFX.
Does the SAS use the buttons file updates to change the FMs of flyable planes that IL2 came out with? No, the policy at SAS is to only provide new FMs for NEW SLOT planes. But we will do things to stock flyable planes like enable canopies and such, and that data is contained in the FM file. These things dont change its performance though.
We will however gladly fix or improve the FM's of former AI only planes.
Download the latest SAS Buttons file:,97.0.html