These may not be accurate in terms of how the game uses it but these notes are simply my best observations from what actually happened when I changed the different entries.
Some entries which didn't have any meaningful or obvious change (remember, I wasn't working with all types of effects) in-game on jet exhaust may be better explained or used on things like gun smoke etc.
Other related topics you should read!:,11.0.html,3399.0.html,20628.msg228807.html#msg228807Materials Explanation:
For those who don't know yet, here is the result of my efforts, which I think adds that bit extra to the game, especially as we move further into the jet age.:,14378.0.html---
A basic explanation of Effect files (.eff).-
An example of a jet engine effect file:[ClassInfo] ClassName TParticlesSystemParams //Name of the classfile governing the effects.
[General] MatName ../TEXTURES/SmokeGlow.mat //This references the material files' location, which is usually just written as ../TEXTURES/ which in turn has additional parameters and references the targa image file which has the particle drawn on, this is what is emitted.
Color0 1.0 0.64 0.247 0.1 //Particle Colour 2, RGB Alpha,Red Green Blue Transparency (Bigger values=More Intense colour and less Transparency) 0-1=0-255 in colour spectrum. Therefore take the values from photoshop and divide by 255 to get your number and that should be the colour.
Color1 1.0 0.23 0.09 0.1 //Same as Above
nParticles 32 //Number of Particles, small amount=Simple effects and vice versa.
FinishTime -1 //Time before effect appears and then begins to fade.
MaxR 0.0 //Could mean Max Repeats, Max Radius/Spread, rotation. Un-confirmed.
PhiN 4.0 //If the above Rotation is true this could mean Horizontal rotation, but that's just a guess.
PsiN 4.0 //If the above Rotation is true this could mean Vertical rotation, but that's just a guess.
LiveTime 0.1 //The time between which the effect 'loops', in seconds. For example a value of 10 on Jet exhaust makes the effect appear once every 10 seconds where as a value of 0.1 means it is 10 milliseconds or basically continous.
EmitFrq 128 //Decreasing the value makes the effect 'pulse' faster, atleast for Jet Engine flames, Frequency emission as in how fast the effect is emitted, best to experiment.
EmitVelocity 20.0 30.0 //How fast the particles move from start to end, on the jet effects, it made it longer or shorter depending on these values.
EmitTheta 0.0 3.0 //The 'spread' of the Particle effect for both Particle 1 and 2 respectively, increasing the value increases the spread of the effect and vice versa.
GasResist 0.0 //The effect becomes affected by 'Drag' or Resistance, eg. If value is increased on a Jet flame, the faster the jet goes, the more the particles are pushed back by the wind resistance, unfortunately also increases the diameter of the effect however this can be counteracted by decreasing the Size below. Lower = Faster Dispersal, Higher=Slower Dispersal.
VertAccel 0.0 //How fast the particle effect moves up or down at speed. In this case 0, meaning it won't rise or fall.
Wind 0.0 //Your particles are affected by in-game wind changes, especially used on smoke so that it looks as if the smoke naturally drifts with the wind.
Size 1.0 1.3 //For jet engine flame at least, it increases the Circumference of the Particle, from start to end.
Rnd 0.5 //Also increases overall size of Effect overall.