I think we should leave the civilians out for ethical reasons. Collateral damage was non issue in World War II because bombs landed wherever they landed, and you could only hopt to hit a target within a mile of the target area at best and bombs flailed about in the wind. Guided bombs were not used in the regular bombing role in World War II on factories and what not. Collateral damage was not an issue in World War II because bombs with bomb-aiming system could not land within 10 feet of the target like present-day systems and bomsights could not steer the regular dumb bombs, and bombs could not be guided with lasers, because lasers and laser optics were not invented yet. Bombsights could not see through smoke or thick cloud cover and the bombs could only hope to hit the target at alland winds drift the bombs like leaves and how in the hell are you goling to see the civilians from 20,000 feet? You can't.
Bombs could only land within 500 feet of a target and bombing from 20,000 feet hitting civilians isn't going to matter anyway. It's like having the soldiers in the game. You can't see them, but they're important to the battle. You can't see civilians at the altitudes I fly at in the game. It's like trying to spot a swarm of ants from the Empire State Building.
If civilians were hit in WWII, tough luck for them, that was the attitude, they didn't care about civilians because there was nothing they could do. What's gonna matter more, dead civilians or stopping the enemy's war production machine? I'd choose the latter because it's more important that the enemy stop making weapons that kill our boys on the front lines and shorten the war. The civilians are an abstraction to the larger goal of denying the enemy the means to fight. look, I know these guys have families.
I can't just see a card to the family of Max Stein because he died in a raid and I don't know where he lives in town and it doesn't matter anyway.
Civilians, although it would add realism, don't really matter because you can't see them and they do nothing to affect the game's outcome and they are not doing a thing to affect it. It's useless because they don't affect the game's flying or altitude from high altitudes and they are just there on the ground.
You can't see civilians anyway.
What's the difference? You can't see them anyway from high altitude. Sounds pretty useless to be to have civilians in the game.