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Author Topic: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.  (Read 27813 times)

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Re: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2012, 04:33:12 PM »

Great topic!
  A serious debate on the performance of certain planes in IL2. I'm a fan of the mustang for its design and engine Packard (Rolls Royce) and its wonderful sound. But my heart beats faster and their Spitfires by Merlin and Griffon. Their wings thin and elegant masterpiece of the English.
The vast majority of players and moders, prefer BF.
The big question is:
Technically which of the three is more maneuverable at high speeds, BF, Mustang or Spit?
NOTE: I always die in dog figth flying P-51, flying my coffin!:))


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Re: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2012, 04:39:17 PM »

51 isn't really a dog fighter.
A dog for certain though... :D
Looks like ill be sticking to thunderbolts. The funny thing is that online in spits v 109's and even offline I never worried about mustangs. As soon as they lose energy they are toast, easy picking for the 109.
T-bolts on the other hand...dangerous foe!


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Re: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.
« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2012, 04:41:23 PM »

I found this just now researching on Wikipedia, nor did I know that here so have lovers of tbm Bf109 !!:)) kkkk


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Re: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2012, 04:44:23 PM »

For the Brazilian veterans who flew the P-47 in Italy he was flying Tractor kkk


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Re: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2012, 05:16:06 PM »

51 isn't really a dog fighter.
A dog for certain though... :D
Looks like ill be sticking to thunderbolts. The funny thing is that online in spits v 109's and even offline I never worried about mustangs. As soon as they lose energy they are toast, easy picking for the 109.
T-bolts on the other hand...dangerous foe!

Funny cos I was initially the other way around and flew the 51 for the reputation it had, the p-47 scared me and I couldn't fly it but once you get used to the jug you never go back :D
It gets interesting to compare figures with reputation, propaganda and nostalgia. I always thought that the mosquito was lacking compared to what it was trumped up to be.


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Re: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.
« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2012, 09:35:45 PM »

LOL @ this thread...

Keep your grubby, ham-fisted paws off of my lovely filly then, she's not for the yank and bank, herp and derp one-hit-wonder-cannonz crowd, she's a big boy's plane.

If you want to fly the P-51 right then you have to un-learn everything you've convinced yourself works in Il-2. She's a superb energy fighter, probably the best there is with a piston engine. You don't chase, you seperate. You don't turn, you Yo-Yo. You don't pull perpetual lead in every engagement thinking of nothing but the gunsight, you fall into trail and build a disparity in energy, only bringing the guns to bear when it truly counts.

The P-51 is for people who think outside the box, 5 minutes outside of it and into the future. If you don't know where you are going to be in 5 minutes time in the '51 then you're in trouble.

Soft hands are essential, you can maneuver her at 600mph quite effectively (albeit tentatively) if you practise but you can only ask so much of her at any given time. Learn to her limits and don't stray outside of them or, what seems like the slightest twitch at the wrong moment will definitely ruin your day.

She'll doesn't suffer fools to touch her, gladly or otherwise, she punishes them mercilessly.

Watch the slip-ball, stay fast and don't get caught with your pants down.



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Re: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.
« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2012, 09:53:54 PM »

Well I guess that's the difference.
For most pilots a fight should be over in the first pass. A 5 minute fight means you messed up somewhere.

So OK Jimmy, as they say "put up or shut up."

So if your so advanced why not post up some of your wisdom, since there aren't many that can get it  to be more than a (poorly)flying gas tank.

Don't be general about it, I'm dead serious. How do you get it to climb, turn and dive with any sense of parity with enemy aircraft?

its one thing to say "the 109 is the best energy fighter in the game!" or "dont fight the RAF in the horizontal, go vertical". Its another to say "When your with FW's and you have one on your nose set RPM to 3000 and manifold pressure to 55, close radiator to +/- 5% and maintain a position on the FW's low 6 until you reach higher altitudes where you have the advantage. Dont follow them into the dive else yuo will lose your wings at +/- 500 mph..."

Just pulling something out of my rear end, but you get it.


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Re: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2012, 10:10:07 PM »

actually, i like Jimmy B's post - as he says, unlearn what you know works for you for other planes, and maybe it'll turn around. sounds easy, lol.
for me, i guess it's just a tad too technical to try and master...don't get me wrong, i can just about hold my own in a Mustang, and i absolutely love flying the B model. that one i can fly to the limits of its performance, somehow it's just the D's that end up with me plummeting to earth at some point, lol.
but no worries, i don't have to master every single plane in the sim.  ???
i get great enjoyment out of hunting Mustangs in a 190/109, for instance..... :D
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.
« Reply #20 on: January 22, 2012, 10:39:09 PM »

Oh Ive got no problem with his post, its just vague.


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Re: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.
« Reply #21 on: January 22, 2012, 10:45:15 PM »

Dude...did you miss the part where I ask how to make it perform better?

From first post:
There, I said it. Flame on.

But in all seriousness I cant get these things to fly worth a darn...

So what are you rustang jockeys doing to get her to fly at her true potential? I'm versed in the manipulation of prop pitch and engine management, but nothing I know to do in other aircraft works in this brick.

Ive freely admitted that I have no experience in the rustang, and that when I do try it out its inferior hence my question here-how to get it to perform?


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Re: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.
« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2012, 10:51:37 PM »

...You got unfavorable results because you played your aircraft's weakness into your enemy's strength.

And this makes it sound like the aircraft is in fact inferior in performance to even a 190A8, which I just flat cant believe!

if it cant outclimb a 190, jesus, what the heck can it do?
But then again, that's why I made the post in the first place. Lots of help with the new bird thanks fellas, ::)


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Re: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.
« Reply #23 on: January 23, 2012, 12:06:23 AM »

Ok, here we go.
The whole idea of this thread was to get pointers on the 51. I've already said I don't know anything about the aircraft or how to fly it...a few times now. Hence the thread. And obviously judging by the thread responses I'm not the only one.
This is a learning process. Don't know the answer to a question? Well go ask someone who does!
...until you get the guy trying to tell you your an imbecile for not knowing the answer in the first place.

To your questions:
"Again,if it wasn't working why did you keep doing it? This makes people wonder about the pilot instead of focusing on the aircraft."

See dude, you've got it backwards. For some reason you think I'm calling the aircraft into question. I'm not, at all. I have asked several times what I can do to make the aircraft fly to its potential.
All we've gotten is "Ya I'm with you, never got the knack of it either" and "Well jeeze stupid, learn how to fly it right!" and your wonderful contribution "Your a crap pilot, the plane is fine."

To that end I'd like to thank Fruitbat for giving the most technical advice thus far. You are indeed correct sir. Flying the 51 and against it, it does seem to hold its own at 3000, but not so much above or below until extreme high altitude. Weird.

"...this doesn't mean that the Mustang sucks donkey dick, as you say"
O.K. Let me explain something to you.
Now sit down...are you ready? The thread title was a joke.
I know I know, I'm sorry. But its okay.
A lot of times people will post things in jest, which they full well know are not true, in order to get a response/viewed.
That was my tactic here, in trying to gain a better understanding of the aircraft in question.
I am deeply sorry to have deceived you in such a way. My apologies to you and all else who believed, as you did, that I was serious.
And I said dingus, not d***. This would be another attempt at humor, or to at least illicit a guffaw from the reader.

As to the rest see above and repeat Ad nauseam.
I would love it though if you could come back with some real info on how to fight with the mustang.

EDIT: And just gave the B/C model a whirl.
Wow! What a bird. Seems to be easily faster in both level flight and climb. Maintained an advantage against the FW at all altitudes/positions. Totally different experience from the D.

So back to it, if you have pointers, do's or dont's on the 51 well please post them!
If you just want to pop in and say I'm flying it wrong/don't know the airplane/need to learn how to fly it, etc. Yes, you are correct. That is why I posted. Please, enlighten me.
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