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Author Topic: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.  (Read 27814 times)

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Re: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.
« Reply #36 on: January 23, 2012, 02:41:55 PM »

I'm not much of a pilot, period, but here are my general pointers:

1) Practice your deflection shooting. Especially with 0.50 caliber-armed planes, you need to be able to hit with a higher percentage of your shots. You can't hope for a lucky hit with a 20mm cannon to take off your opponent's wing. Instead, you need to be able to aim a "squirt" of bullets, at least 2-3 seconds long at a vital part of your opponent's plane, like fuel tanks or the engine. You really need to aim at "center of mass" (i.e., a cross shaped area centered on your opponent's cockpit, taking in his wing roots, engine and fuel tanks).

Edit: Good shooting also means only using your guns at the range where they converge, and perhaps setting your convergence point to a shorter distance than default - say 150-300 m. This is especially important when flying a plane with wing-mounted guns (like most of the U.S. fighters).

2) Keep your speed up. Especially avoid hard climbs and turns which bleed off energy fast and can leave you as a predictable, slow target. If you get into a low-speed turn fight with a better maneuvering plane - like a Spitfire or, especially any of the better early war dogfighters (e.g., A6M2, Ki-43, B-239) you're throwing away all of your advantages. Even if you're not against a better turn-fighter, at least speed means that your opponent has to pull more lead (i.e., aim farther ahead) in order to hit you.

3) For the Mustang, fly with 50% fuel or less. While any plane is going to fly better if there's less weight in it, the Mustang is modeled so that the tank behind the pilot is emptied first. Realistically, this changes CG (center of gravity) forward, helping to make the plane more maneuverable. Unfortunately, realistic fuel management (i.e., which tank you empty first) isn't modeled in IL2, but I think that CG changes from reduced fuel are. Anyhow, the Mustang has outstanding range, so you don't have to worry about running out of fuel even if you start with less than a full tank of gas.

4) Bring some friends. Seriously. One of the reasons that the Mustang got its reputation is because there were more American pilots in the sky at any one time than German or Japanese pilots. Even if your wingmen suck, they still act as bullet magnets and distractions for the enemy. Your AI buddies may die like rats, but at least they die nobly by setting you up to make the kill. Ideally, you'll actually be able to control your wingmen, so they do something more useful than die. The "cover me", "rejoin" and "attack my target" commands are especially useful.

Another way to "bring friends" is to make other aircraft visible in the map view, although realistically you shouldn't zoom in too much. This represents other friendly planes in the area calling in reports of enemy activity and location. Americans had some the best radio and radar equipment for the period, and they made extensive use of it.

5) Fly 4.11 against Veteran or worse AI opponents. The new patch is a revolution in AI behavior. Their engines overheat, they can stall, they can be surprised, they can't see through clouds, darkness or terrain. Even better, they are actually challenging opponents, even at the lower levels of AI skill, so they don't teach you bad habits like the old AI did. At Ace level, a one-on-one fight is actually a workout for a moderately competent human pilot, and 1-vs.-many encounters against Ace AI usually result in a dead player.


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Re: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.
« Reply #37 on: January 23, 2012, 09:30:59 PM »

I was going to let this topic fly, as honestly, the title made me piss myself laughing...

See thats what I was going for!

Thanks all for the info! This part was particularly interesting:
"As far as the 190 being faster and climbing better at the medium altitudes, that's mainly because the P-51 supercharger is hasn't switched to high blower until you get above around 22,000 feet."

That makes a lot of sense.
I'm playing a campaign right now, legend of Y29, covering Bodenplatte from the allied perspective. Very little high altitude action thus far but the mission requirements keep me at medium to low altitudes so I rarely meet the enemy with an advantage. Almost always meet them in equal position or at a disadvantage.

Sadly I haven't, and probably wont play with 4.11 until its brought into the DBW scene.
The AI sounds great, but the AI mod in DBW is pretty good. Add to that just how much prettier DBW is and I just cant go with anything else! :D



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Re: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.
« Reply #38 on: January 23, 2012, 10:18:37 PM »

I'm playing a campaign right now, legend of Y29, covering Bodenplatte from the allied perspective. Very little high altitude action thus far but the mission requirements keep me at medium to low altitudes so I rarely meet the enemy with an advantage. Almost always meet them in equal position or at a disadvantage.

Bodenplatte was an unusual situation, in that the Germans threw every fighter they had against the Western Allies in low- to medium-level strikes, in order to gain tactical surprise and temporary air superiority. Legend of Y29 is a great campaign, but it doesn't show the Mustang to best effect.

Also, while it's been a while since I played the campaign, check to see if the Mustang fuel levels are too high (i.e., above 50-75%) and if German AI skill is set too high (i.e., Veteran or Ace). Many, if not most, German pilots involved in Bodenplatte were rookies, or pilots used to flying other types of planes who were transferred to fighter ops with little to no conversion training.


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Re: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.
« Reply #39 on: January 23, 2012, 10:23:17 PM »

You know the interesting thing, I'd much rather fight the -190 in the Mustang than the -109.  But that is just my personal preference :)


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Re: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.
« Reply #40 on: January 23, 2012, 11:04:29 PM »

Honestly, I never take more than 30% fuel.
Don't think ill need the long legs in this campaign.


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Re: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.
« Reply #41 on: January 23, 2012, 11:06:54 PM »

I was going to let this topic fly, as honestly, the title made me piss myself laughing...

 how much prettier DBW is and I just cant go with anything else! :D

Well what do you mean with prettier ? Maps, objects, etc ? If it's that then you can have all of it in 4.11, except the planes. Just read a bit in the 4.11 mods topics  ;) And yes, I also recommend you to try the AI  :D


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Re: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.
« Reply #42 on: January 24, 2012, 12:31:52 AM »

I was going to let this topic fly, as honestly, the title made me piss myself laughing...

 how much prettier DBW is and I just cant go with anything else! :D

Well what do you mean with prettier ? Maps, objects, etc ? If it's that then you can have all of it in 4.11, except the planes. Just read a bit in the 4.11 mods topics  ;) And yes, I also recommend you to try the AI  :D

And there's the rub!  :D
See, I wouldn't call myself a 109 fan-boy. Its just not strong enough for the adoration I feel for this truely perfect airial combat aircraft.  ;)
That being said I can't...nay I wont use any derivative of IL2 that does not include the 109 ultimate pack.
Just what works for me.


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Re: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.
« Reply #43 on: January 24, 2012, 02:21:57 AM »

badderger, no-one in this thread has crossed the line into personal insults, which is one of our forum rules.
no-one was insulting veterans here. CWMV is a long-standing and respected member here, granted his choice of words could 've been better, but he is obviously referring to himself and his inability to fly the Mustang in this sim - no-one is attacking the real P-51 or the guys who flew it. here, we are referring to a game, and not the real thing. don't confuse the two.
be warned - cease and desist, and let's keep it to giving advice where needed.
leave the personal insults at the door when you check into the forums, please.
and now, on a lighter note, i simply couldn't resist this.....

.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.
« Reply #44 on: January 24, 2012, 02:25:26 AM »

Thread cleaned by me

Also, just on point of order:

I was going to let this topic fly, as honestly, the title made me piss myself laughing...

 how much prettier DBW is and I just cant go with anything else! :D

Well what do you mean with prettier ? Maps, objects, etc ? If it's that then you can have all of it in 4.11, except the planes. Just read a bit in the 4.11 mods topics  ;) And yes, I also recommend you to try the AI  :D

In DBW everything is redone. Insides of cockpits, even the POV's, reticles, intruments, at least of most planes, as well as their outside 3d is updated, as well as textures, objects, weather, like you said the maps, all effects are adressed, all sounds. Layouts, GUI's, evrything from point A to point Z has received some attention. Stock and DBW are realy two completely different animals. I think when we bring the two together in DBW 1.8 that it wil be VERY pretty indeed :)


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Re: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.
« Reply #45 on: January 24, 2012, 02:59:29 AM »

Alright Malone I can go with that. But I still think it is inappropriate and unneccessary.


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Re: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.
« Reply #46 on: January 24, 2012, 04:59:56 AM »

that's cool, buddy.
it may be a tad inappropriate, but i think we all should just take this with the pinch of salt that it should come with.
by all means, say your say, but do so without getting personal.
having been on most IL2 forums since 1994, i know full well how this kind of thread can degenerate into abuse. as long as no-one takes it to personally, and in the light it was meant to be portrayed, we can all have say our say without attacking anyone else.
i know i suck at flying Mustangs properly, but i would never blame the plane....
that's the only drawback of the OP's title, other than that, you've gotta admit, it certainly drew attention, and a few laughs from us mere mortals.  8)
now, more advice for CWMV (and me!) would be much more welcomed than telling them off.

.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: Mustangs suck big floppy donkey dingus.
« Reply #47 on: January 24, 2012, 05:11:03 AM »

In DBW everything is redone. Insides of cockpits, even the POV's, reticles, intruments, at least of most planes, as well as their outside 3d is updated, as well as textures, objects, weather, like you said the maps, all effects are adressed, all sounds.

Well yeah, infact I talked about cockpit repaints, sounds and outside 3d remake too, just didn't list them to keep it short. Let's say...I have DBW visually (if you count sounds and objects in that too) in 4.11. Say all the sfs files except new planes.
And I agree CWMV I miss them  :D That's why now I'm back to 4101 and DBW after having tried the new 4.11 features enough.
I was only unsure what you meant with prettier, some say maps, some say sounds, some say effects etc...and you say planes  ;D

And you wouldn't even try it ?

 I think when we bring the two together in DBW 1.8 that it wil be VERY pretty indeed :)

Big big big grin  :D :D :D :D :D :D

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