The fast spiral climbing, combined with frequent dives is a faulty annoying AI behaviour we can't get rid or fight, till we have AI mOds.
Certs AI and DBW AI MOD help a bit as they include or stretch the pre-sequence when those late war bastards (P-51, P-47,
Gustavs or any other ride) are spotted in my gunsight. In stock game they would immediately climb like a rocket, with these Mods they act more human, when they spotted me on their 6. Doing some maneouvering in case of trouble. But then it falls back to stock behaviour, initial fast climbs, combined with dives. The pattern is the same, always circling upwards. How annoying.
These AI Mods add nice surprise movements to the foreseeable AI movement, but at some point, AI just acts like ever and you can bet your pants. Just try to sum up where your dogfights start, then where you actually get annoyed of them from fast/unhuman climbing. Locate your alt.
The fact is this behaviour I can't recognize in our early up to some mid-war crates, curious, since it's an AI behaviour it should affect others too? There dogfights are beaten with the known forces, advantages/disadvantages, a good combination of random manoveouvers that make out exciting offline dogfights.
But I can't play late-war scenarios, this I hope will be cured in the new AI-Behavior by UP/DBW in the next patches.
I.e. early war scenarios I end up catching these bastards (choose a crate) in low, sometimes in mid-level.
You can barely end a P-51 in this alt. at least my AI doesn't do me the favour, but show me how good they climb.
You can have all advantage, but doesn't help, where in early crates fight, you get bonuses for advantages, it doesn't make any sense in late war scenarios.
As a player FM I think is alright, showing pros and cons of the crates, P-51, P-47, Gustav, Kurfürst, Spitfire, or Tempests, etc.
But as soon as AI gets seated in them, all is not worth a dime, as they all follow one particular pattern, and I can't make out the superiority of each plane they fly, it's all one pudding to me.
There's only 2 solutions for Offliners, catch them while they head on, before any specific AI -movement or disable the enemy flight in FMB, but than it's too easy. Then they are dumber than a one-day-fly.
My dream for future DBW or UP offline, play late-war dogfights in a challengable, outbalanced, depending on skills not patterns scenarios, like we can do with our early/mid crates in any combination.