SAS_Storebror reports thus:
Why does setting the two TexCompress Flags in conf.ini solve the famous Paratroopers mission load error issue?
This error ("Mission loading failed: Mesh3do/humans/Paratroopers/Russia/mono.sim not created") occurs while textures are loaded
into your graphics card's memory. When the size of these textures exceeds the memory limits of your graphics card, mission
loading stops with this error message.
Why is it always the Paratroopers causing this error?
It isn't. Forget about the error message contents, it's plain bullshit.
So what exactly do these parameters do?
They let your system compress the textures with a so called "S3TC" texture compression algorithm, which gives a very good
performance and much reduced texture size with just a slightly loss of texture quality (regarding quality however the
implementation of S3TC, depending on your graphics driver, might cause slightly frayed texture edges).
Why do I need to set two parameters for just one thing?
Good question. Maybe just to confuse the russians
Joking aside, one parameter would logically do, but things are like they are, don't waste time worrying about it.
What happens if I set just one of the two parameters?
Simply said, it just won't do the trick. You need to set both in order to get the texture compression to work correctly.
Okay, got it. But now I forgot the right flag parameter's names and settings...
No problem, here you go:
In your IL-2 game folder you'll find a file "conf.ini". Open this in notepad (or your favourite text editor) and set these
two parameters in the section [Render_OpenGL] accordingly: